Spiritual Liberation Front, Dispatches from around 1000 AD — Zen Experiments with Gothic Gnostic Bogomilism

<p>In times of Tsar&rsquo;s reign, Anarchy stirred within domain. Amidst shadows of Gothic walls, Gnostic whispers echoed in clandestine halls.</p> <p>A call for freedom, untamed and wild, A rebellion against authority compiled. Bogomilism thrived, a heretical creed, Challenging power, Tsar&rsquo;s decreed.</p> <p>Through cobwebbed chambers, secrets unfurled, In heart of darkness, a revolution swirled. Tsar&rsquo;s iron fist, sought to suppress, But by seed of defiance, it refused to rest.</p> <p>Like tempest&rsquo;s fury, anarchists arose, thoughts like ink, staining prose. In verse and rhyme, they painted their plight, Unshackled by tradition, embracing night.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@doctordostoevsky/spiritual-liberation-front-dispatches-from-around-1000-ad-zen-experiments-with-gothic-gnostic-9e1004ce0d0e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>