The Spiritual Alchemy of Life’s Elixir

<p>Before medicine started using the term &lsquo;medication&rsquo; healers would often mix up elixirs in effort to save their patients. The word &ldquo;elixir&rdquo; comes from the Arabic word &ldquo;al-iksir&rdquo; meaning &ldquo;the substance that can transform&rdquo;.</p> <p>Many a quest has been undertaken over the centuries to find the ultimate elixir. The Elixir of Life granting eternal life. Little did they know, we have eternal life. It&rsquo;s just not meant to be lived on earth.</p> <p>While we are here on earth, we&rsquo;re meant to awaken to the infinite possibilities available to us. We have to start with an awareness and begin a journey of exploration, growth and learning all that the education system doesn&rsquo;t encourage.</p> <p>The Divine, or whatever name you use, is an intelligent, relational energy source through which our energy becomes interconnected with all other life, past and present. We come from source and we&rsquo;ll return to it when our time on earth ends.</p> <p>When we quiet our inner chatter and learn to give our inner voice opportunity to emerge, we have a storehouse of knowing. It&rsquo;s difficult to grasp how we know, without realizing our interconnectedness.</p> <p>The elixir of life isn&rsquo;t a physical mixture. It&rsquo;s a spiritual concoction often represented by physical symbols. The serpent represents healing and transformation. The tree growth and the flower connectedness. The chalice, the moon and the stars represents the mystery and magical presence of the Divine.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>