Ask Lewis: What Is Spiritual Materialism

<p>It is useless to struggle against who you really are. That is the point of your wisdom practice, to get in touch with what your natural way of being is. A life guided by spiritual materialism is generally strewn with poor choices, self-aggrandizement acted out to appear as humility, and a deep attachment to material possessions.</p> <p>Many of these material possessions are accumulated through commercial enterprises related to the marketing and selling of books, video products, and various other educational materials and so-called&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;sacred trinkets&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;related to spiritual practice. It is not unusual to find a spiritual materialist building up a list of credentials or accumulating teachings to present him/herself as a person who deserves more love and respect than another or is more realized, wiser, highly evolved, or holier than others. The spiritual materialist is more concerned with the accumulation of spiritual ideas and concepts than&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>