The Lack of the Spiritual Father

<p>This was the book of my&nbsp;<em>penultimate</em>&nbsp;published book. You may be asking why anyone would write such a trivial title in a book. And that, my friend, is why you read my stories on&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">Medium</a>. You see, I was raised by an absentee father, who was an alcoholic and was not much of a role model. But this post is NOT about ranting and raving about my father but about the VICTORY that came from it.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*rbfxa_ZjTbW6lhN6LFf_sw.jpeg" style="height:436px; width:291px" /></p> <p>This book was written during Seminary School.</p> <p>For all intended purposes, my father was a provider and showed me how to share with others. So much so that my wife, at times, would ask me, how is it that you like to give so much?&nbsp;<strong>The answer:&nbsp;</strong>my father! My father showed me how to be compassionate and how to give. My father showed me how to be a provider and a hustler when it came to his family. A trade that I take seriously, even to this date. But what was it about my father&rsquo;s teaching that I was lacking? I am glad that you asked!</p> <p>After my third marriage, I always asked myself, what was missing in my life? Two failed marriages, and the third one, undoubtedly, was on the way to collapse. So, I started looking deep into&nbsp;<strong>my soul</strong>. Have you ever done that? I had it all according to world standards but was missing my spiritual life. Yes, the life that is learned from a&nbsp;<a href=";keywords=edgar+baez&amp;qid=1694532690&amp;sprefix=edgar+baez%2Caps%2C111&amp;sr=8-2" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Spiritual Father</a>. And, to answer the question above, by all standards, I did not have this necessary teaching from&nbsp;my father.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>