Are There Good “Spiritual Communities” and “Spiritual Teachers” Out There?

<p>I believe folks address them to me because, while they might be grateful that someone has done investigative work that will steer them away from harm, they still want something from contemporary spirituality.</p> <p>They might have left their birth religions on a life-long quest for meaningful community. They might remember a honeymoon period within an organization that felt promising and fulfilling, before things got weird, before the leader did that thing. They might yearn for that feeling to return, and not have it go south.</p> <p>And, they might figure that the person who has spent a lot of time breaking down these dynamics will also be aware of where they don&rsquo;t exist. This is a misplaced hope. Because I don&rsquo;t have any solid impression of &ldquo;healthy spiritual community,&rdquo; or &ldquo;spiritual teacher with integrity.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>