Spiritual Perspective: Is Weed Good Or Bad? Can you get Enlightened?

<p>Research Shamanism, it was the precursor to all magic we have today. All cultures of the world have it. People might say that drugs have never been historically linked to spiritual practice but that&rsquo;s simply not true.</p> <p>Research Eleusinian Mysteries, Soma, Datura, Peyote, San Pedro, and ayahuasca. They are all spiritual.</p> <p>Traces of weed have been discovered with lost passages of the old testament. There are even scholars who argue parts of the bible were written by people under the influence of some kind of psychedelic &ldquo;drug&rdquo;. The drugs we take shape our culture and society.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/dare-to-be-better/spiritual-perspective-is-weed-good-or-bad-can-you-get-enlightened-cc0b4d441d7"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>