3 Things I Had to Abandon For Optimum Spiritual Growth

<h1>1. Materialism</h1> <p>Certain things no longer resonate with me. Expensive cars, fancy outfits, and other flashy possessions no longer hold the same appeal. That&rsquo;s why I decided to loc my hair and embrace a much simpler lifestyle.</p> <p>It surprises people in my hometown when I reveal that I&rsquo;m American. Unless I speak, it&rsquo;s hard for them to guess. My accent is what always gives it away. I guess as an American, they expect to see me in a fancy hairdo, designer shoes and purses, and sparkly outfits. But instead, I often look so simpleā€Š&mdash; like the least of them all.</p> <p>Even though I always appear simple, people still call me &ldquo;borga,&rdquo; assuming I&rsquo;m rich. In Ghana, &ldquo;borga&rdquo; is someone from overseas living an extravagant lifestyle in their home country.</p> <p>But that&rsquo;s not me.</p> <p>I strive to maintain a simple lifestyle.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m not poor by any means; I live a comfortable life but I don&rsquo;t feel the need to flaunt it. I&rsquo;ve been wearing the same pair of Crocs I brought with me when I arrived in Ghana two years ago. They&rsquo;re still in good condition, and I don&rsquo;t feel pressured to change them. I overheard some people wondering why I wear the same shoes.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s quite amusing how people love to assume.</p> <p>They don&rsquo;t know I&rsquo;m building a house and acquiring real assets, even though I wear two year old crocs.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve been wearing the same shoes not because I can&rsquo;t afford another but because I like them. They may be two years old but still work wonderfully to keep my feet warm and protected.</p> <p>I wear the same things for a long time because I am not materialistic.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/mystic-minds/3-things-i-had-to-abandon-for-optimum-spiritual-growth-b6c69507cb63"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>