Spiritual DNA: Unveiling the Genetic Blueprint of Spirituality

<p>Genetic epidemiology research suggests that personal spirituality has a heritable component, with about 30&ndash;37% of the variance in spirituality attributed to genetics. Personality traits like lower neuroticism and higher religiousness are associated with spirituality, influencing an individual&rsquo;s spiritual growth and experiences. Spirituality is also linked to positive well-being, including meaning in life, self-esteem, and better coping with stressors. Recent studies indicate a positive correlation between white matter integrity in the brain and spiritual growth. However, it&rsquo;s important to remember that spirituality is a complex construct influenced by environmental and cultural factors.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@selvagiri/spiritual-dna-unveiling-the-genetic-blueprint-of-spirituality-d1d762f7154"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Spiritual DNA