The Artist’s Path to Spiritual Redemption

<p>I suffered mental health problems for almost all of my life. I&rsquo;ve seen the inside of hospital wards and prison cells more times than I&rsquo;d care to count. I&rsquo;ve tasted despair, which I cannot quite articulate, and trauma beyond words. The truth is I cannot yet shape the contours of this story. I do not have the strength to tell it. I just have fragments: Scattered bones, or coloured gems, the ruins of a crumbling Xanadu. This is one such fragment: A small story, of how I&rsquo;ve used art to redeem my pain and transformed adult despair into childhood joy. And more so, learnt that perhaps happiness doesn&rsquo;t reside in the future but in the past; where as a five-year-old, I&rsquo;d sit a draw for hours, communing with my solitary self. I&rsquo;m not a professional artist. Nor yet a professional writer. Too slow, too lethargic. Too scattered in my thoughts and feelings. I haven&rsquo;t been able to unify the energies warring inside of me. But, at times, I draw them in. That&rsquo;s when I can create something outside of the pain of living, or perhaps indeed because of it. This is my story of painting my way to a better life. A life worth living, as told through the pictures I&rsquo;ve painted which somehow have come to define me.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>