One Powerful Method to Stay Centered for Your Spiritual Awakening

<p>It is a shot in the head for those who believe &lsquo;you are what you think.&rsquo;</p> <p>It is a partial truth for those stuck in mind games and imaginary stories of thoughts. They are brainwashed into the so-called&nbsp;<em>secret&nbsp;</em>law of attraction.</p> <p>However, the truth is there are no secrets in life. Life is pretty simple.</p> <p>But our minds love sophistication.</p> <p>It dismisses simplicity outright. Daring spiritual seekers see truth outright. The struggle is to remain true to it because of mass hypnosis.</p> <h1>You are NOT what you think you are.</h1> <p>One day, a young man approached a Buddhist master, seeking guidance on his spiritual path.</p> <p>The seeker said, &ldquo;I had been practicing various spiritual practices. I travel far and wide to seek enlightenment. But I don&rsquo;t feel I&rsquo;ll be enlightened in this birth. It seems so difficult.&rdquo;</p> <p>After a pause with a choked throat and head hung in shame, he continued, &ldquo;I feel frustrated at minor events. My emotions overpower me. What is the point of meditating for years when my thoughts still drown and upset me? I don&rsquo;t know what to do. I feel as if I am my own enemy.&rdquo;</p> <p>The master listened attentively and smiled.</p> <p>He then picked up a glass of clear water, held it up for the man to see, and asked, &ldquo;Is this glass of water you?&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>