The Head Covering As An Ancient Spiritual Healing Technology

<p>A properly fitting head covering creates a natural cranial adjustment! Pressure therapy has been used in a number of medical industries from mental health to occupational therapy called sensory integration therapy or deep pressure therapy. Deep pressure has been defined as the &ldquo;sensation produced when an individual is hugged, squeezed, stroked, or held&rdquo; [1] This includes your head. This type of sensory therapy is documented to help ease anxiety, stress, and provide more calming effects [2]. When you apply deep pressure or sensory therapy to your body, it switches from running the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system. This is changes your mode your operation from &ldquo;fight or flight&rdquo; to &ldquo;rest and digest&rdquo; mode. Therefore providing you with a calming effect which allows you to focus more. Here are some of the benefits you might experience from using a head covering that provides sensory therapy/deep pressure:<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>