How to Find a True Spiritual Teacher

<p>False spiritual teachers abound in this world.</p> <p>But they can be hard to suss out. A wayward spiritual teacher can be irresistibly charismatic, promote an exciting vision, and already have a crowd of enthusiastic followers.</p> <p>And you don&rsquo;t see what you don&rsquo;t see.</p> <p>Their transgressions often occur behind closed doors among an inner circle of true believers. Their abuse may secretly take place with one adoring member (at a time) who has been told she or he is special.</p> <p>At the same time, we humans have an enormous capacity to accept even bad public behavior that&rsquo;s couched under the guise of a higher spiritual purpose.</p> <p>Perverse spiritual teachers exist in all traditions. Countless allegations have been made against Buddhist teachers, Catholic priests, and Yoga masters.</p> <p>The offenders include intentional fakes, sexual predators, full-on cult leaders, or people who are simply deluded about their level of spiritual realization.</p> <p>You might think you could never be taken in by a warped teacher. But don&rsquo;t fool yourself. You can have a Ph.D., and still get snared.</p> <p>I consider myself an intelligent person, but I got caught by a charismatic teacher as did all the doctors, lawyers, and therapists in my group. A corrupt spiritual teacher preys on your idealism, your desire to do good, and your wish to help others.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Spiritual True