Sassy Spiritual Awakenings: A Gay Man’s Humorous Guide

<p>Let&rsquo;s get real for a second. These days, enlightenment seems to be just a filter away. But can we talk about the actual journey? It&rsquo;s like navigating a minefield, except the mines are unsolicited advice, weird health trends&nbsp;<em>(I&rsquo;m looking at you, kale smoothies)</em>, and the constant battle of trying to meditate without thinking about what to have for dinner.</p> <p>And don&rsquo;t get me started on the whole &lsquo;being present&rsquo; thing. I mean, how can I focus on my breath when I&rsquo;m busy thinking about whether my ex saw my latest Insta story? Priorities, people!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>