Three Signs You’re What’s Known As a Highly Spiritual Person

<p>Today, my mother and I met a famous Spanish mystic painter at a painting contest.</p> <p>And upon greeting him, he gave us a Gaudi-style talk.</p> <p>He talked about spirituality, immortality, conspiracy theories, and false prophets.</p> <p>After an hour of conversation, as we walked away from him, my mother said, &ldquo;He is getting crazier and crazier.&rdquo;</p> <p>And I tried to explain to her that he was not.</p> <p>What is happening is that he is a highly spiritual person.</p> <p>And in doing so, I have realized that people like him (highly spiritual) are often labeled as crazy when they are not.</p> <p>That is why I want to share with you three signs that I have clearly seen during the conversation with the mystic painter so that if you identify with any of them, you will realize that there is nothing wrong with you but that you are probably a highly spiritual person or a budding mystic artist :-)</p> <h1>1. You see reality from another place.</h1> <p>To explain the painter&rsquo;s intensity to my mother, I asked her to imagine herself explaining to a dolphin (if a dolphin could talk) what it&rsquo;s like to see in color.</p> <p>The dolphin wouldn&rsquo;t understand because dolphins see in black and white.</p> <p>This happens with highly spiritual people; they live their lives on another side of the spectrum.</p> <p>Metaphorically, they see in color, while most see reality in black and white.<br /> That is why highly spiritual people believe in signs, have presentiments, and are affected by the vibrations that people emit.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>