The Spiritual Mirror I Was Forced to Look At

<p>In 2017, a severe psychotic episode landed me in a psychiatric ward for almost two months. The experience was traumatizing and its aftermath led to some of the darkest years of my life.</p> <p>I spent most of that time in grueling&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">EMDR</a>&nbsp;(eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) therapy sessions.</p> <p>I was desperate to reframe the havoc my psychotic thinking wreaked on my mind as well as the terrifying experiences I had during the months I was in a psych ward.</p> <p>I saw one woman break both her arms on the window of a seclusion room. I heard people screaming nonsense throughout the day and night and sometimes that person was me. I was forcibly restrained to a bed on multiple occasions, for hours at a time.</p> <p>It was horrible.</p> <p>There was nowhere else I could have lived safely in that state of mind, but sadly, I left the ward with more trauma than when I came in.</p> <blockquote> <p>The worst part about it was my experience solidified a terrifying suspicion I had all my life &mdash; I was severely mentally ill.</p> </blockquote> <p>This was a truth I had been running from for 25 years.</p> <p>The experience also taught me what it feels like to be treated as less than because of my mental health. The ward I was in was more of a holding cell than anything. I could speak to the nurses and doctors but they looked right through me like I was a ghost.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>