Why the Energy Of Winter Enhances Your Spiritual Growth

<p>Winter is the best time of year for a deep dive into yourself to enhance your spiritual growth objectives.You can harness the qualities of winter energy to nurture your spiritual and personal development, reinforce an ongoing transformation, or simply gain perspective on an aspect of your life.</p> <p>Working with seasonal energy might sound a bit hokey at first. But think about it. Each winter you&rsquo;ll find yourself surrounded by signs of nature turning inward and recoiling its energy in response to a shift to a dark, cold, quiet winter. For example, plants die back and go dormant while many animals such as bears and chipmunks hibernate.</p> <p><a href="https://patricia-starchaser.medium.com/why-the-energy-of-winter-enhances-your-spiritual-growth-8506e6fc90e3"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>