Three Signs You Are Not Too Intuitive: You Are a Highly Spiritual Person

<p>First, we must define what a highly spiritual person is.</p> <p>To do this, I will use Dr. Hawkins&rsquo; scale.</p> <h1>Emotional frequency scale</h1> <p>20 Hz shame<br /> 30 Hz remorse<br /> 50 Hz apathy<br /> 75 Hz suffering<br /> 100 Hz fear<br /> 125 Hz desire<br /> 150 Hz anger<br /> 175 Hz pride<br /> 200 Hz courage<br /> 250 Hz neutrality<br /> 310 Hz willingness<br /> 350 Hz acceptance<br /> 400 Hz reasoning<br /> 500 Hz love<br /> 540 Hz joy<br /> 600 Hz peace<br /> 700+Hz enlightenment</p> <p>For Hawkins, all levels below &ldquo;Courage,&rdquo; which is 200 points on his scale, are for mundane people.</p> <p>It is with courage that people start to wake up and notice strange things around them.</p> <p>Ergo, if you are at the courage level or above, you are a highly spiritual being or on your way to becoming one.</p> <p>And when that happens, strange things that make you feel like you&rsquo;re too intuitive start to happen to you. But in the end, they are part of the evolution of the consciousness of a Highly Spiritual Person.</p> <p>Here are three things that, if they happen to you, may be because you are a highly spiritual being.</p> <h1>1. You smell evil</h1> <p>Highly spiritual people can &ldquo;smell evil.&rdquo;</p> <p>They can sense the presence of evil, even in situations where the people around them feign goodness.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>