What Neuroscience Can Tell You About Spiritual Experiences That You Don’t Already Know

<h1>The Illusion of Separation</h1> <p><em>Neurotransmitters. Brain waves. Neural correlates.</em></p> <p>Whatever you call it, the meat in your skull is cooking up experiences you label as &lsquo;spiritual.&rsquo;&nbsp;<em>Enlightenment.</em>&nbsp;Even your most mystical visions can be explained &mdash; partly, at least &mdash; by a cocktail of brain chemicals. What&rsquo;s the catch? You didn&rsquo;t think your enlightenment was just serotonin and dopamine playing nice, did you? Think again. Or don&rsquo;t. Either way, it&rsquo;s not what it seems.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/nirvananuke/what-neuroscience-can-tell-you-about-spiritual-experiences-that-you-dont-already-know-ff309d67e657"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>