Tag: Engineering

How I Got Into Data Engineering

In the world of data, we often hear tales of high-flying graduates with degrees in Computer Science landing impressive gigs at tech giants. But let’s flip the script. Here I am, a Data Engineer who found his purpose in a health-tech company, with a somewhat unconventional pathway into the fiel...

How I Got Into Data Engineering

In the world of data, we often hear tales of high-flying graduates with degrees in Computer Science landing impressive gigs at tech giants. But let’s flip the script. Here I am, a Data Engineer who found his purpose in a health-tech company, with a somewhat unconventional pathway into the fiel...

Modern Software Engineering – Part 3: Documentation

Documentation is a perennially controversial topic because, in my experience, software engineering has focused so much on the business value of artefacts like the source code and shipping features more than others. I constantly hear folks saying that we should only be writing the documentation that&...

4 Free Prompt Engineering Courses to Join The Top 1% of ChatGPT Users

As the demand for natural language processing (NLP) continues to surge, mastering the art of generating coherent and contextually relevant responses is becoming essential. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model, has revolutionized the world of AI-generated text. If you aspire to b...

So Long “Prompt Engineering,” We Hardly Knew Ya

Prompt engineering. We see the term everywhere. It’s the hot topic, the new darling of the AI world. The World Economic Forum, Open AI’s Sam Altman, and the Twitterverse can’t stop talking about it. I get at least two dozen ads in my feeds trying to sell me co...

From Mechanical Engineering to software development.

Switching from mechanical engineering to software development was a big challenge. There were moments when I felt unsure about leaving behind my established career for an uncertain future. But my problem-solving skills, which I had used to handle complex mechanical systems, became my guiding light i...

How to Create First Data Engineering Project? An Incremental Project Roadmap

People often fail to remain consistent while learning so many different technologies. They fail to piece it together. The roadmap should have addressed the challenge of this dwindling attention span. We will try to explore how an Incremental Project Roadmap can address this gap. The Data Engineer...

Strategy for Engineering Managers

Engineering Managers (EMs) have their sights focused on execution and people. They are working to ensure their team is achieving its goals and that their reports are on the right growth path. And that is plenty. Keeping a team running smoothly while creating a fulfilling environment for its members ...

Best Books for Software Engineering Leaders

Being a Software Engineer these days is extremely challenging — technology is moving faster than ever and sometimes it can be a struggle to keep up! New technology options spring up daily and there is an ever growing number of learning platforms to choose from. I personally find that newer ...

10 Things I Learned from Reading Fundamentals of Data Engineering

After two enriching years as a Data Engineer, I finally had the chance to dive into Fundamentals of Data Engineering written by the insightful minds of Joe Reis and Matt Housley. Reading this book inspired me to connect my data experience with its theoretical understanding. The book&rsq...

There’s more to caring than working long hours

I came across a tweet by former Netflix engineer Alex Castillo that reflects on the value of caring at work. Alex recounts how the team he had just joined at the streaming giant discovered a broken legacy app on a Friday and managed to fix everything by the following Monday. The twee...

How I Got Into Data Engineering

In the world of data, we often hear tales of high-flying graduates with degrees in Computer Science landing impressive gigs at tech giants. But let’s flip the script. Here I am, a Data Engineer who found his purpose in a health-tech company, with a somewhat unconventional pathway into the fiel...

Modern Software Engineering – Documentation

Documentation is a perennially controversial topic because, in my experience, software engineering has focused so much on the business value of artefacts like the source code and shipping features more than others. I constantly hear folks saying that we should only be writing the documentation that&...

Why an Engineering Manager Should Not Review Code

When discussing team organization, I am often asked: “Why don’t you have the tech lead manage the team?” My response is to hiss like a vampire exposed to holy water. When the follow-up question is: “Given you want managers on your teams, can the manager still perform code rev...

Steering LLMs with Prompt Engineering

Large Language Models (LLMs) have captured our attention and imagination in the past six months since the announcement of ChatGPT. However, LLMs’ behaviors are often stochastic in nature, making it difficult for them to be integrated into a business application with well-defined limits. In thi...

Advanced Prompt Engineering

The popularization of large language models (LLMs) has completely shifted how we solve problems as humans. In prior years, solving any task (e.g., reformatting a document or classifying a sentence) with a computer would require a program (i.e., a set of commands precisely written according to some p...

12 Prompt Engineering Techniques

I’m currently the Chief Evangelist @ HumanFirst. I explore & write about all things at the intersection of AI & language; ranging from LLMs, Chatbots, Voicebots, Development Frameworks, Data-Centric latent spaces & more. Least-To-Most Prompting The process of&n...

“Sprints”: The biggest mistake of Software Engineering

Yes, let’s talk a little about being agile and the Brazilian definition of the current state agile generated called “eXtreme Go Horse” methodology. The misconceptions The first thing is to get the common misconceptions out of the way. Agile is going fast By now, we all ...

So Long “Prompt Engineering,” We Hardly Knew Ya

Prompt engineering. We see the term everywhere. It’s the hot topic, the new darling of the AI world. The World Economic Forum, Open AI’s Sam Altman, and the Twitterverse can’t stop talking about it. I get at least two dozen ads in my feeds trying to sell me co...

How to read more security + engineering books

Ever since I wrapped up writing my own book back in 2021, I’ve been trying to learn more broadly about other domains in security and software engineering. A lot of the learning came from ad-hoc googling, but I feel like one of the best ways to gain a solid foundation of a topic is to read a...

Best Books for Software Engineering Leaders

Being a Software Engineer these days is extremely challenging — technology is moving faster than ever and sometimes it can be a struggle to keep up! New technology options spring up daily and there is an ever growing number of learning platforms to choose from. I personally find that newer ...

When sharks chew on network cables

For the last 25 years, I’ve been fascinated by engineering productivity at large software companies. I have been a Senior Staff Engineer at Google for 3 years, focusing on Developer Infrastructure for Integration Testing. Prior to that, I worked at Amazon for 11 years, where I was a ...

How to Reduce Engineering Scope

A lot of developers think that code is the thing they sell. That’s not true. I learned one lesson about being a great software engineer: reducing scope. Scope creep is the root of project management evil, and software developers are historically bad at estimations. Thus, our only reme...

Geospatial Data Engineering: Spatial Indexing

Intro: why is a spatial index useful? In doing geospatial data science work, it is very important to think about optimizing the code you are writing. How can you make datasets with hundreds of millions of rows aggregate or join faster? This is where concepts such as spatial indices come in. In th...

How to Be a Data Science Instructor with an Engineering Degree?

1. What led to this article? I have answered hundreds of questions from students over the past 2 years in my teaching role. It certainly requires a thorough understanding of the subject matter to live up to the intellectual curiosity of Masters students — these are highly intelligent people...

I Failed Calc But I Can Do Data Engineering Math And So Can You

“What’s With All The Letters?” One of my favorite stories my grandfather tells goes like this: Sometime in the mid 1950s as a high school freshman he steps into a classroom, sees an algebraic expression on the board and asks his teacher: “I thought this is math. What&rsquo...

Stop Wasting Your Time Learning To Code

Remember back in 2002 when we were able to charge $400k for a website that hit a database? Those were some amazing times, and I’m glad I put that money away. But the game changed right? Companies found out they could hire developers from India, Pakistan, and Russia and pay them pennies o...

Sprints: The biggest mistake of Software Engineering

Yes, let’s talk a little about being agile and the Brazilian definition of the current state agile generated called “eXtreme Go Horse” methodology. The misconceptions The first thing is to get the common misconceptions out of the way. Agile is going fast By now, we all ...

10 Things I Learned from Reading Fundamentals of Data Engineering

After two enriching years as a Data Engineer, I finally had the chance to dive into Fundamentals of Data Engineering written by the insightful minds of Joe Reis and Matt Housley. Reading this book inspired me to connect my data experience with its theoretical understanding. The book&rsq...

Why Scala Dominates Data Engineering

Ever found yourself browsing through a Data Engineering job posting and wondered, “Why on earth do they want me to know Scala?” Or perhaps you’ve mused, “What on earth is Scala, anyway?” Allow me to explain… Birth of Scala Scala is a high-level, statical...

From Data Engineering to Prompt Engineering

Data engineering makes up a large part of the data science process. In CRISP-DM this process stage is called “data preparation”. It comprises tasks such as data ingestion, data transformation and data quality assurance. In our article we solve typical data engineering tasks using ChatGPT...

New ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Technique: Program Simulation

The world of prompt engineering is fascinating on various levels and there’s no shortage of clever ways to nudge agents like ChatGPT into generating specific kinds of responses. Techniques like Chain-of-Thought (CoT), Instruction-Based, N-shot, Few-shot, and even tricks like Flattery/Role Assi...

Advanced Prompt Engineering

The popularization of large language models (LLMs) has completely shifted how we solve problems as humans. In prior years, solving any task (e.g., reformatting a document or classifying a sentence) with a computer would require a program (i.e., a set of commands precisely written according to some p...

Debugging My Life as an Engineering Manager With ADHD

I was always a software engineer first and never planned (or wanted) to become a manager. Dealing with software seemed much easier than dealing with people. Working on hard technical problems felt natural, but dealing with emotional matters and nuances in communication always bothered me. However...

7 Lessons Learned From My Software Engineering Mentor

On June 22nd, 2021, I had the privilege of interviewing at Manaky, an innovative tourism startup in Pakistan. It was a significant day in my life as it introduced me to my mentor, Touseef Liaqat. I think the interview was scheduled for 11 PM, which added to my nervousness. As a freshie looking ...

3 Powerful JavaScript Methods You Probably Didn’t Know About

Traditionally in JavaScript, an object has it's own properties and methods/functions limited to it, ie an object cannot access another object's methods and vice versa. But with the use of the three functions I'll be sharing today, we can bypass this restrictions. These functions allows u...

The Beginning Of The End

As you move carefully up the ranks on the board of the Grand Game of Software Engineering it’s a constant struggle to not only keep in mind your end goal, but also to fend off the nefarious and often subtle attacks of the opposing pieces on the board. For example, I’ve written previou...

Left Amazon after 7.5+ years; Here is my honest review.

I left Amazon to pursue other opportunities to fuel my career growth. When I joined Amazon Vancouver, the office was small with less than 200 employees. At the time I decided to leave, Amazon Vancouver had offices in multiple buildings incorporating thousands of employees. On my last day with the co...

Reliable software engineering with Rust

We all want to build reliable software that makes users happy and keeps our heads free from late-night production crashes on Fridays. But every engineer already knows some stack that can handle the users’ needs while tests can check the correctness, so why would anyone bother learning Rust? ...

Complete Guide For Feature Engineering — part 2

This the continuation of my previous blog “part1”. In it i had started with Feature Transformation. In Feature Transformation there are four sub topics as you can see in the below picture: I had discussed “missing value Imputation” in depth visually. Pls do visit it an...

What is Cinemachine and Timeline

Cinemachine is the cameras. It’s the camera from the characters’ view or, say, if you are creating a retro style survival horror with fixed camera angles, it’s those cameras. It’s any cameras that reside within the scene. This includes cutscenes and it can have certain m...

How I Cracked the Meta Machine Learning Engineering Interview

I recently landed an offer with Meta as Machine Learning Engineer (MLE), gaining a 20% raise in my total compensation relative to my previous job as well as a promotion to a senior role. In this post I’ll outline the interview structure, how I prepared, and practical tips on how to nail the ML...

Why I Will Never Use Alpine Linux Ever Again

Nowadays, Alpine Linux is one of the most popular options for container base images. Many people (maybe including you) use it for anything and everything. Some people use it because of its small size, some because of habit, and some, just because they copy-pasted a Dockefile from some tuto...

Stay Consistent Learning Data Engineering — My 5 Strategies

It is challenging threading through this path. I find it difficult to stay focused and consistent.” “I have noticed you have been consistent in this whole data thing. How do you make it possible? I need some help!” “Learning Data Engineering is a long process and may ...

Chronon — A Declarative Feature Engineering Framework

A framework for developing production grade features for machine learning models. The purpose of the blog is to provide an overview of core concepts in Chronon. Nikhil Simha Raprolu Background Airbnb uses machine learning in almost every product, from ranking search results to intelligently...

Dev versus Delta: Demystifying engineering roles at Palantir

As a Hiring Manager for engineers, I get a lot of questions about our unique engineering model. Specifically, people want to know: what’s the difference between a Software Engineer and a Forward Deployed Software Engineer? I polled Palantirians from around the globe for their an...

How to Be a Coding Superhero

Which is why every tech firm needs a coding superhero. Someone to clear the codebase of mistakes others can’t see. A super-human developer who works for the good of all, to make the implementation and maintenance of new features accessible in 2023. This article asks the question. Are y...

Software Engineering Principles Your Team Must Adopt

Like sculptors, artists, potters, and other artisans, software engineers must follow specific guidelines to build the best product. Although each project will demand a unique approach, following software engineering principles will cut unforeseen delays, set the right team culture, and hel...

How to Build an On-Call Culture in a Data Engineering Team

Atany company, one of the best ways to gain and retain customers is to deliver excellent services, meaning the service should be healthy and functional whenever the customers access it. To achieve this, the tech industry introduced on-call duty which was often associated with doctors in the past. ...

The Context Switching Catastrophe: How to Save Your Engineering Team from Burnout

It was the perfect storm. One of our lead engineers, Alex, had finally settled into coding a complex new feature that customers had eagerly awaited for months. Thirty minutes into mapping out the frontend architecture, a bug report came in from the customer support team. Every time they exported rep...


There’s a gap within everyone, a hole that can only be filled with purpose, and as long as we can keep searching for that fit, that hole always finds its fill. And yes, there would be many obstacles that would hold many down, but not those who persevered towards greatness. Dorcas Abang, tho...

The 3 Biggest Realisations I’ve Had About Data Engineering

If you work in data engineering, I think you can agree that you can easily apply that wisdom to a data engineer’s journey: when you think you’ve grasped one thing or solved one problem, something else turns up to flip it all on its head. Mountains, mountains, mountains — everywh...

Steering LLMs with Prompt Engineering

Large Language Models (LLMs) have captured our attention and imagination in the past six months since the announcement of ChatGPT. However, LLMs’ behaviors are often stochastic in nature, making it difficult for them to be integrated into a business application with well-defined limits. In thi...

My Engineering Manager Origin Story

I always had a negative view of a management role. I didn’t think it was for me. I had trouble understanding what managers even did and how they created value. Above all, I saw a manager role as a threat to what I love most: writing code. But today, I became an engineering manager! ...

What Traffic Engineering Tells Us About the Ethereum Merge

When traffic engineers add lanes to a road, they assume doing so will reduce traffic jams. Intuitively, it makes sense. Roads get congested because too many people are driving on them, right? Add a lane, and congestion should go down. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work in the real world. If y...

Prompt Engineering: The Magical World of Large Language Models

Is it possible to combine machine learning with prompt engineering for large language models? A systematic data-driven approach to prompt engineering can be one of the most successful ways to generate the best prompts. In this article we’ll see exactly how this works by measuring and sco...

Here’s Why You Should Hand Over Product Prioritization to Engineering Managers

In this series, we’ll explore how transferring prioritization responsibilities from product to engineering leaders can unlock enhanced team velocity. We’ll first delve into the main benefits of employing this change. Subsequent posts will discuss how to assess the suitability of this app...

What I Learned Pushing Prompt Engineering to the Limit

I spent the past two months building a large-language-model (LLM) powered application. It was an exciting, intellectually stimulating, and at times frustrating experience. My entire conception of prompt engineering — and of what is possible with LLMs — changed over the course of the proj...

Summarising Best Practices for Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering refers to the process of creating instructions called prompts for Large Language Models (LLMs), such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT. With the immense potential of LLMs to solve a wide range of tasks, leveraging prompt engineering can empower us to save significant time and fa...

High-leverage Activities for Engineering Managers

Every manager has the same number of hours in a day, yet some consistently achieve better results, foster innovation, and cultivate teams that are both happy and highly productive. What sets these managers apart? The secret often lies in their commitment to high-leverage activities. As you naviga...

Prompt Engineering to Leverage In-Context Learning in Large Language Models

Large Language Models are more and more used and their skills are surprising. Part of their success is their ability to learn from a few examples, a phenomenon known as in-context learning; in the previous article, we discussed in detail what is it and from where it originates, now we will...

A Manager’s Guide: How to Build a High-Performing Engineering Team

Introduction Effective management is a crucial skill that can make the difference between success and total failure. As an engineering manager, your role goes beyond technical expertise; it requires exceptional leadership, communication, and people management skills. In this article, our senior d...

How to read more security + engineering books

Ever since I wrapped up writing my own book back in 2021, I’ve been trying to learn more broadly about other domains in security and software engineering. A lot of the learning came from ad-hoc googling, but I feel like one of the best ways to gain a solid foundation of a topic is to read a...

From Busy to Productive: Time Management Tips for Engineering Managers

Being an engineering manager often involves walking a tightrope of numerous responsibilities and tasks. However, amid the hustle, it’s easy to fall into common pitfalls that can negatively impact both personal performance and team dynamics. Poor delegation, for instance, can lead to micromanag...

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Engineering Management

Engineering management is often perceived through a purely technical lens, with emphasis placed on knowledge and expertise in software development, project execution, and technical problem-solving. However, a crucial, albeit frequently overlooked component of successful engineering management, is em...

Being a senior engineering leader. Skills that you can start building already

Here I would like to share experiences being a senior engineering leader and share ideas and thoughts that might be helpful for you as you think about your career and where you want to go, and what you want to do. How can you do a better job? How can you continuously improve? What to do if you ar...

The Two Faces of Engineering Leadership

I log on to my laptop, check slack messages, and join a zoom support call. “What’s going on?” I ask. “We’ve got a problem with the database” my colleague responds. “Have we tried switching it off and on again?” I jest. My team ha...

The Unspoken Challenges of Engineering Leadership

You’ve just become an engineering leader — a tech lead, team lead, or engineering manager. Congratulations! You probably seek guidance on what skills you should develop in this position. You will read about decision-making, team building, priorities management, and delegation. These a...

What does a Director of Engineering do?

Priyanka Shahhyedari is a Director of Engineering for Platform services at Flexera, a company that works with IT and cloud management. PathFinder aims to bring transparency to different careers in Tech Industry. Subscribe here, If you want to read more content like this. We’re just start...

Best Practices for Managing Conflict in Engineering Management

Conflict is an inevitable part of any organization, and engineering teams are no exception. As an engineering manager, dealing with conflict is one of the most challenging aspects of the role. However, if handled effectively, conflict can lead to innovation, improved team dynamics, and increased pro...

Engineering Leadership Tactics: Resilience Through Collaboration

Collaboration is a good thing. There will be no one in the technology industry saying otherwise. As a rule of thumb, most companies and software engineering organizations are organized in cross-functional teams, allowing people in different disciplines to work together towards the same outcome. H...

Curing the Disease of Underperformance in Engineering Teams

According to recent surveys, 26% of employees are considered underperformers, costing companies up to $3.4M in lost productivity per 1,000 workers. Engineering teams are not immune to this issue. In fact, the increasing complexity of software development means underperformance problems can cripple a...

Debug Your Engineering Team Planning

A longer TL;DR answer — The use of story point estimation is situational. Not every team benefits from a process as heavy as point-based estimation. Points are used to keep a team accountable for what they are meant to deliver and their velocity for delivery. Examine Your Situation Wheth...

My Engineering Manager Origin Story

I always had a negative view of a management role. I didn’t think it was for me. I had trouble understanding what managers even did and how they created value. Above all, I saw a manager role as a threat to what I love most: writing code. But today, I became an engineering manager! ...

What is ‘The Engineering design process?’

Though I might start with the title “The Engineering Design Process”, it is a design process that can be applied to any problem in any industry. When I first looked at the process back in my college days, I thought nothing more of it other than another methodology to be learnt, but now i...

Motivation for Engineering Organisations

Understanding how people in your team or organisation are motivated is important and the traditional mechanisms for motivating people don’t well as we think they do. My rough rule of thumb is that if you can effectively motivate people then not only are they upwards of 3 times more effective i...

1:1 Meeting Mastery: How Smart Scheduling Improved My Productivity as an Engineering Manager

As an Engineering Manager, I have always found it challenging to schedule and manage 1:1 meetings with my colleagues. After struggling with recurring meeting invites, I decided to develop a more efficient and flexible approach to scheduling these meetings. In this article, I will share how I enhance...

Data Engineering with Reddit, Airflow, Celery, Postgres, S3, AWS Glue, Athena, Redshift

Building a data pipeline can be a complex task, especially when integrating multiple services and platforms. In this article, we’ll walk through the process of creating a data pipeline that fetches data from Reddit, uses Apache Airflow for orchestration, stores the data in Amazon S3, processes...

Successful Engineering With Databricks

Introduction Databricks is a platform that is used by a variety of different personas. Analysts use it for queries, data engineers use it for job and pipeline creation, and data scientists/machine learning engineers use it to build models. With support for a variety of different personas comes...

Start-up Data Engineering bible: Ingestion (Part 2)

About me Hello  I’m Hugo Lu, a Data Engineer who’s also worked in Finance and now CEO@ Orchestra. Orchestra is a data release pipeline tool hat helps Data Teams release data into production reliably and efficiently. I write about what good looks like in Data. Introduction...

CI/CD for Data — How to enhance data quality and increase data engineering velocity?

The Data Lifecycle Application development starts with Ideation and product requirement and ends with product release and monitoring. On the other hand, data life cycle is unique because it starts with data creation, transformation, deployment and all the way to data deletion (thanks to data priv...

How to Thrive at a New Mobile Engineering Position

A few months ago, I started at my third full-time Android job at Cash App. All three companies had thoughtful onboarding processes that included mentorship and detailed documentation. I found that in addition to the official process, there are a few things that doing as early as possible — pre...

How to Thrive at a New Mobile Engineering Position

A few months ago, I started at my third full-time Android job at Cash App. All three companies had thoughtful onboarding processes that included mentorship and detailed documentation. I found that in addition to the official process, there are a few things that doing as early as possible — pre...

Meet the Lisbon Engineering Team!

This is the inaugural blog post from our Salsify Lisbon Engineering team! In this post you will meet the four members of the Nazaré engineering team: João Fernandes, Mauro Lemos, Ricardo Castelão and Alexandre Campos. The team has graciously offered to tell us a bit about the...

Empowering excellence: Celebrating one year of Credera’s Women in Engineering network

As part of our initial launch, we released a blog series featuring narratives from a few of our incredible female engineers at Credera. These stories not only shed light on the diverse paths into engineering, but also served as a source of inspiration for aspiring engineers. It’s not every day...

5 Reasons Why Fewer Women Pursue Engineering in India

In many sectors, there’s a noticeable disparity in the number of male and female students pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). In overall statistics, the number of girls going to school is less than boys. And most of those who go, they opt for fields like literatu...

Engineering Marvels of Ancient Rome: The Aqueducts

With their amazing network of aqueducts, the ancient Romans, famed for their engineering prowess, left an indelible mark on history. These massive buildings, built to convey water across long distances, were critical to the Roman Empire’s survival and expansion. We dig into the fascinating wor...

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering in the Future

The field of biotechnology and genetic engineering is advancing at a pace that was once considered the stuff of science fiction. In the coming decades, it has the potential to transform not only how we treat diseases but also how we shape and define our own biology. However, with this remarkable pro...

Exemplary Success Story in Computational Enzyme Engineering

Proteins, the molecular workhorses of life, also play a crucial role in various industrial processes that we humans have developed over centuries. However, the natural properties of proteins often fall short of meeting the demands of these processes, necessitating engineering interventions. One very...

i-shaped antibody engineering enables conformational tuning of biotherapeutic receptor agonists

The paper describes a new approach to engineer antibodies to act as agonists for cell surface receptors, which has potential applications in developing new biotherapeutics. The authors developed a method to re-shape conventional Y-shaped antibodies into more compact, linear “i-shaped” an...

Genetic Engineering: A Transformative Journey towards the Future

Imagine genetic diseases can be eradicated in the future, and the potential to enhance human abilities becomes a reality. The revolutionary technology known as CRISPR has opened up a realm of possibilities, granting scientists the ability to edit and manipulate DNA with incredible precision. By alte...

An Introduction To Geotechnical Engineering

The structure already exists. In this case, geotechnics is used to generally determine the causes of a problem with the structure (such as visible cracks or displacement). If the problem is not related to the soil, this helps to rule out this possibility, and it may be due ...

Revolutionizing Regenerative Medicine: The Dawn of Advanced Tissue Engineering

The development of novel biomaterials stands as a paramount advancement in tissue engineering: this discipline focuses on designing materials that mirror with precision the physical and biochemical environment of native tissues. These innovative constructs provide scaffolds, which bolster cell attac...

Statistics for Financial Engineering - Part 1

Sample and Population A population refers to the entire group that is the subject of a study, while a sample is a subset of that population. Sampling involves selecting a representative portion of the population to conclude the whole. The goal is to ensure that the sample accurately reflects t...

I Failed Calc But I Can Do Data Engineering Math And So Can You

One of my favorite stories my grandfather tells goes like this: Sometime in the mid 1950s as a high school freshman he steps into a classroom, sees an algebraic expression on the board and says to his teacher: “I thought this is math. What’s with all of those letters?” Decades l...

Pharmaceutical Engineering — An Innovative Approach to New Drug Development

The massive surge in demand for medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly highlighted the importance of the pharmaceutical sector, including all its elements ranging from R&D to production, supply, and distribution. From the entire pharma value chain, pharmaceutical manufacturing is one...

Let’s Put Art Back in Pattern Engineering

The “Wall Between Design and Manufacturing” in my engineering grant award from the National Science Foundation in 1989, illustrates how the fashion apparel industry worked in the second half of the 20th century. Most “fashion designers” connected only with showrooms and ...

Linguistics, Ontology Engineering, and Databases: The Power of Structured Data

Ontology engineering is the process of creating a formal representation of a domain, including the concepts, relationships, and rules that define it. In the context of linguistics, ontology engineering can be used to represent the structure of language, its rules and conventions, and ...

Software Engineering Vocabulary — Chinese/Mandarin

Due to recent work circumstances, I’ve been exposed heavily to reading documentation written in Chinese (中文文档). As someone who grew up in an English speaking household, despite being Chinese, the process of getting through just a single page document was not only agonizing slow but men...