How I Cracked the Meta Machine Learning Engineering Interview

<p>I recently landed an offer with Meta as Machine Learning Engineer (MLE), gaining a 20% raise in my total compensation relative to my previous job as well as a promotion to a senior role. In this post I&rsquo;ll outline the interview structure, how I prepared, and practical tips on how to nail the MLE interview. Even though my experience was with Meta, I believe this guide to be useful for MLE interviews with other tech companies as well. Good luck!</p> <h2>Interview structure</h2> <p>I actually did not apply myself, instead a recruiter reached out via LinkedIn. This is a good reminder to keep your LinkedIn profile polished and up-to-date. I did one phone screen and one virtual on-site:</p> <ul> <li>The phone screen lasted for one hour and included two coding questions.</li> <li>The virtual onsite was spread over 2 days. Day 1 included one coding interview, one behavior interview, and two design rounds: system design and ML system design. Day 2 included originally one coding round and one behavior round, but the latter was canceled in the last minute, so I ended up just doing a single coding round on Day 2.</li> </ul> <p><a href="">Click Here</a>&nbsp;</p>