7 Lessons Learned From My Software Engineering Mentor

<p>On June 22nd, 2021, I had the privilege of interviewing at Manaky, an innovative tourism startup in Pakistan. It was a significant day in my life as it introduced me to my mentor,&nbsp;<strong>Touseef Liaqat</strong>. I think the interview was scheduled for 11 PM, which added to my nervousness. As a freshie looking for a job, I was very nervous because this was my first job interview, and I didn&rsquo;t know what to expect.</p> <p>To my relief, the interview went remarkably well, and I was thrilled when Touseef extended an internship offer at Manaky. As the conversation drew to a close, Touseef asked me if I had any questions, and in my eagerness, the only thing on my mind was whether the internship was paid. &nbsp;Can&rsquo;t blame myself. I was desperate to join a company and start making money.</p> <p>This marked the beginning of my journey with Manaky and the chance to work with Touseef. From our initial interaction, I was deeply impressed by Touseef&rsquo;s exceptional background, having worked in prominent tech companies I had always aspired to be a part of. Despite his accomplishments, Touseef remained humble and approachable, making him all the more inspiring.</p> <p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/lessons-learned-from-my-mentor-d10058a462a2">Read More</a></p>