How to Create First Data Engineering Project? An Incremental Project Roadmap

<p>People often fail to remain consistent while learning so many different technologies. They fail to piece it together. The roadmap should have addressed the challenge of this dwindling attention span. We will try to explore how an Incremental Project Roadmap can address this gap.</p> <p>The Data Engineering Roadmap&nbsp;listed plenty of topics to cover, which are still relevant. It also had a great&nbsp;tracker&nbsp;to plan the topics and track progress. But it lacked some elements of structure around what to learn first and what to implement as a real-world project.</p> <p>Also, the plan was great for beginners, but what about people who have some experience in the field and are willing to implement hands-on?</p> <p>While making the move from an ETL Developer to Data Engineer I faced a similar challenge. Now in 2023, when I look back, I feel I would have done much better with a different approach.</p> <p><strong>Long post alert:&nbsp;</strong>This is going to be a pretty long read but be assured it will save a lot of time while learning. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and read on&hellip;.</p> <ol> <li><strong>Start with the project</strong></li> <li><strong>Incremental Project Method</strong><br /> &mdash;&nbsp;Define the Business Problem<br /> &mdash;&nbsp;Define Data Requirements<br /> &mdash;&nbsp;Incremental Project Design<br /> &mdash; &mdash;&nbsp;Sprint1: Building a Simple Data Ingestion Pipeline<br /> &mdash; &mdash;&nbsp;Sprint 2: Adding Idempotency to the Pipeline<br /> &mdash; &mdash;&nbsp;Sprint 3: Adding Unit Testing<br /> &mdash; &mdash;&nbsp;Sprint 4: Creating multiple pipelines on the same principles<br /> &mdash; &mdash;&nbsp;Sprint 5: Orchestration and Workflow Management<br /> &mdash; &mdash;&nbsp;Sprint 6: Automation of Data Pipeline<br /> &mdash; &mdash;&nbsp;Sprint 7: Data Quality and Validation<br /> &mdash; &mdash;&nbsp;Sprint 8: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment<br /> &mdash; &mdash;&nbsp;Sprint 9: Infrastructure as Code (IaC)<br /> &mdash; &mdash;&nbsp;Sprint 10: Scalability and Optimization</li> <li><strong>Conclusion</strong></li> </ol> <h1>Start with the project</h1> <p>So, in the real world, will you be given months to learn everything you need to solve a problem? You will almost always be given a set of tasks or problem statements. Then you will analyze what is needed for the same. Right?</p> <p>Go Figure, will possibly be the real mantra in an actual project. But we all have a learning problem.</p> <p><a href="">Learn More:-</a></p>