What is Cinemachine and Timeline

<p><strong>Cinemachine&nbsp;</strong>is the cameras. It&rsquo;s the camera from the characters&rsquo; view or, say, if you are creating a retro style survival horror with fixed camera angles, it&rsquo;s those cameras. It&rsquo;s any cameras that reside within the scene. This includes cutscenes and it can have certain movements such as looking at or following a target or object. It can even be security cameras inside a game!</p> <p>Cinemachine can control the movement and placement of your camera.</p> <p><strong>Timeline</strong>&nbsp;is an editor that provides nonlinear sequences postproduction, but the playback&nbsp;<strong>IS</strong>&nbsp;linear. You can control when to switch between cameras and for how long.</p> <p>Video game elements can occur on a&nbsp;<strong>timeline&nbsp;</strong>and they can be adjusted and configured for ultimate control and creative freedom.</p> <p>Now, both systems come as one inside a package that can be accessed through the Package Manager within Unity3D but they are two very separate systems. They can be used independently of one another, but they can also be used together to create a more effective impact.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@alexandrmayor/what-is-cinemachine-and-timeline-51e0c15cf716">Read More</a></p>