Summarising Best Practices for Prompt Engineering

<p>Prompt engineering refers to the process of creating instructions called&nbsp;<em>prompts&nbsp;</em>for Large Language Models (LLMs), such as OpenAI&rsquo;s ChatGPT. With the immense potential of LLMs to solve a wide range of tasks, leveraging prompt engineering can empower us to save significant time and facilitate the development of impressive applications. It holds the key to&nbsp;<strong>unleashing the full capabilities</strong>&nbsp;of these huge models, transforming how we interact and benefit from them.</p> <p>In this article, I tried to summarize the best practices of prompt engineering to help you build LLM-based applications faster. While the field is developing very rapidly, the following &ldquo;time-tested&rdquo; :) techniques tend to work well and allow you to achieve fantastic results. In particular, we will cover:</p> <ul> <li>The concept of&nbsp;<strong>iterative prompt development</strong>, using separators and structural output;</li> <li><strong>Chain-of-Thoughts</strong>&nbsp;reasoning;</li> <li><strong>Few-shot learning</strong>.</li> </ul> <p>Together with intuitive explanations, I&rsquo;ll share both hands-on examples and resources for future investigation.</p> <p>Then we&rsquo;ll explore how you can build a simple LLM-based application for local use using&nbsp;OpenAI API&nbsp;for free. We will use Python to describe the logic and&nbsp;Streamlit library&nbsp;to build the web interface.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>