Engineering Leadership Tactics: Resilience Through Collaboration

<p>Collaboration is a good thing. There will be no one in the technology industry saying otherwise. As a rule of thumb, most companies and software engineering organizations are organized in cross-functional teams, allowing people in different disciplines to work together towards the same outcome.</p> <p>However, it is still common to see teams where individual work is the main focus when it comes to software engineering. For example, while in the past, teams were throwing work over the fence to other teams, engineers now throw pull requests (PRs) to others over GitHub. They also deliver projects in isolation to be more efficient and think about architecture over document comments. In summary, while all engineers in software teams work together, not all collaborate effectively.</p> <p>Engineering Managers (EMs) leading teams focusing on individual work might be getting more efficiency in some cases. After all, the experienced engineer with knowledge of a specific part of the codebase will deliver faster in that area if they can power through it. However, EMs sometimes don&rsquo;t realize that they are effectively buying risk with this approach. And in the long term, it doesn&rsquo;t pay off.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>