An Introduction To Geotechnical Engineering

<h2>The structure already exists.</h2> <p>In this case, geotechnics is used to generally<strong>&nbsp;determine the causes of a problem</strong>&nbsp;with the structure (<em>such as visible cracks or displacement</em>).</p> <p>If the problem is not related to the soil,&nbsp;<strong>this helps to rule out this possibility,</strong>&nbsp;and it may be due to other factors, such as the structure itself.</p> <p>If it&rsquo;s related to the soil, often in older buildings,&nbsp;<strong>certain techniques can be implemented to address the issue.</strong></p> <p>In extreme cases, it may even be&nbsp;<strong>preferable to demolish and rebuild</strong>&nbsp;to current standards (<em>often in cases where the structure is already too damaged</em>).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>