Best Books for Software Engineering Leaders

<p>Being a Software Engineer these days is extremely challenging &mdash; technology is moving faster than ever and sometimes it can be a struggle to keep up! New technology options spring up daily and there is an ever growing number of learning platforms to choose from.</p> <p>I personally find that newer learning platforms such as video courses are amazing for quickly getting up-to-speed on new topics but there is a real mix of quality out there. Books generally stand-up better over time and the technical content goes much deeper. If you are looking to take your skills to the next level then books are often the way to go.</p> <p>Here are a few of the books that I have found most useful on my journey so far. This list is tailored more towards Senior Engineers however all of these books are still brilliant for any Developers and Architects. There&rsquo;s a mix of technical, non-technical, management and architecture books.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>