What I Learned Pushing Prompt Engineering to the Limit

<p>I spent the past two months building a large-language-model (LLM) powered application. It was an exciting, intellectually stimulating, and at times frustrating experience. My entire conception of prompt engineering &mdash; and of what is possible with LLMs &mdash; changed over the course of the project.</p> <p>I&rsquo;d love to share with you some of my biggest takeaways with the goal of shedding light on some of the often unspoken aspects of prompt engineering. I hope that after reading about my trials and tribulations, you will be able to make more informed prompt engineering decisions. If you&rsquo;d already dabbled in prompt engineering, I hope that this helps you push forward in your own journey!</p> <p>For context, here is the TL;DR on the project we&rsquo;ll be learning from:</p> <ul> <li>My team and I built&nbsp;VoxelGPT, an application that combines LLMs with the&nbsp;FiftyOne&nbsp;computer vision query language to enable searching through image and video datasets via natural language. VoxelGPT also answers questions about FiftyOne itself.</li> <li>VoxelGPT is open source (so is FiftyOne!). All of the code is&nbsp;available on GitHub.</li> <li>You can try VoxelGPT for free at gpt.fiftyone.ai.</li> <li>If you&rsquo;re curious how we built VoxelGPT, you can&nbsp;read more about it on TDS here.</li> </ul> <p>Now, I&rsquo;ve split the prompt engineering lessons into four categories:</p> <ol> <li>General Lessons</li> <li>Prompting Techniques</li> <li>Examples</li> <li>Tooling</li> </ol> <h1>General Lessons</h1> <h2>Science? Engineering? Black Magic?</h2> <p>Prompt engineering is as much experimentation as it is engineering. There are an infinite number of ways to write a prompt, from the specific wording of your question, to the content and formatting of the context you feed in. It can be overwhelming. I found it easiest to start simple and build up an intuition &mdash; and then test out hypotheses.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/what-i-learned-pushing-prompt-engineering-to-the-limit-c40f0740641f">Read More</a></p>