Curing the Disease of Underperformance in Engineering Teams

<p>According to recent surveys, 26% of employees are considered underperformers, costing companies up to $3.4M in lost productivity per 1,000 workers. Engineering teams are not immune to this issue. In fact, the increasing complexity of software development means underperformance problems can cripple an organization&rsquo;s tech velocity if left unaddressed.</p> <p>When a minority of developers fail to deliver quality work on time, it has cascading consequences across the entire team. Projects must catch up, managers waste time micromanaging or firefighting, and resentment builds among other team members who must compensate. Morale and productivity plummet.</p> <h1>A Cautionary Tale</h1> <p>When my friend Dave joined the software engineering team at his new company, he was excited to make an impact. But, he quickly saw that a few underperforming developers acted as bottlenecks, slowing the entire team&rsquo;s progress.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>