How to Reduce Engineering Scope

<p>A lot of developers think that code is the thing they sell.</p> <p>That&rsquo;s not true.</p> <p>I learned one lesson about being a great software engineer: reducing scope.</p> <p>Scope creep is the root of project management evil, and software developers are historically bad at estimations. Thus, our only remedy is to make the project smaller &mdash; by reducing the scope.</p> <p>Agile software development has taught us the importance of early and continuous delivery. As a result, the agile principles tell us to reduce the scope, ship our product in a minimum viable product, and work in incremental change.</p> <h1>Understanding the Why</h1> <p>As an engineer, your job is understanding the problem (NOT the proposed solution).</p> <p>Customers think they know what they want. Often, they don&rsquo;t know what they want. Many customers will try to &ldquo;self-diagnose&rdquo; a problem in the market and ask you to implement the solution immediately.</p> <p>A product manager once asks me to add a new row in our internal database to detect anomalies in a cron job. After asking her &ldquo;Why&rdquo; and the problems she encountered, we understood the problem was not the anomaly in the database but the huge memory we needed to acquire during the job run. A simple logic change within the code ended solves the problems.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>