When sharks chew on network cables

<p>For the last 25 years, I&rsquo;ve been fascinated by&nbsp;<em>engineering productivity</em>&nbsp;at large software companies. I have been a Senior Staff Engineer at Google for 3 years, focusing on Developer Infrastructure for Integration Testing. Prior to that, I worked at Amazon for 11 years, where I was a Principal Engineer in the Developer Tools organization. We were responsible for the internal tooling for code repositories, code reviews, local development, software builds, continuous deployment, unit and integration tests, canaries, and load and performance testing. And prior to that, I worked at Microsoft for 11 years, where I was an Engineering Lead in various parts of Office and Windows in the nineties. This hands-on experience at Google, Amazon and Microsoft exposed me to how hundreds of thousands of developers write, review, test and deploy code at large scale. What&rsquo;s most interesting to me is how at these large companies, little inefficiencies can aggregate to millions, hundreds of millions of dollars of productivity lost or wasted hardware resources, and missed business opportunities. I obsess about how to make engineers&rsquo; lives better, remove toil, improve efficiency, and raise the bar in engineering and operational excellence.</p> <p><a href="https://carloarg02.medium.com/when-sharks-chew-on-network-cables-c0cf8c8b015b">Visit Now</a></p>