Tag: Lessons

Embracing the Unknown: Lessons from Chaos Theory for Data Scientists

Sometimes during a data science project, you discover that it’s really hard to improve your metric. You try many things: complex models, adding more data, hyperparameter tuning, feature engineering, feature selection, everything. It just doesn’t get better. You can’t even improve t...

5 Essential Lessons for Junior Data Scientists I learned at Spotify (Part 2)

This article is part two of the “5 Essential Lessons for Junior Data Scientists I Learned at Spotify” series. Make sure to check out Part 1 first! So previously, we discussed : The importance of sharing your work regularly with stakeholder...

5 Things You Will Never Learn From Management Books

While management books offer valuable insights and strategies, true leadership and management skills extend beyond the pages. Ten years ago, when I was starting in a team lead position, I wanted to know everything about the subject as fast as possible, so I started reading all the books I could g...

4 Lessons From 40 Years of Life

Honestly, I’m relieved it’s over. This birthday loomed over me for months, like an ominous dark cloud I didn’t want to get closer to. I feel better now. Hitting a new decade does bring about reflection. I took stock of my life and thought through what I’ve learned and hope...

5 Big Lessons My Dad Taught Me

Asthe oldest child in my family, I was blessed with a mom and dad who always supported my dreams no matter what. My dad inspired me in so many ways, but most importantly through his positivity and quest to learn new things and to push boundaries. Growing up in a small town on the Jersey Shore,...

The Hitcher’s Dead End

It was pitch dark, and I was alone. Just like the old days when I was the most dangerous hitcher on the road. My favorite time to work was always at night. Surprising the creeps that picked me up with a shotgun to their chest was scarier in the dark — for them. I looked at hitching like scr...

Two Bob

Double dip dichotomy, Put two *bob each way, Winning isn’t sinning, Let’s go out and play. Weasels that have measles, And mice that have lice, And people who want permanent, None are very nice. Carousing is contagious, I’d rather throw the dice, Come cruise in my crui...

10 Red Flags That Say: This Love Won’t Last

You’ve got that sneaking feeling that you just might be going down the wrong path with the wrong person, but you’re not quite ready to admit it yet. It’s understandable, we’ve all been there before. Whether you’ve been together weeks, or months, or even years,&n...

Statistically, You Will Marry the Wrong Person. Here’s Why.

Once upon a time, I met the person I’d been asking the universe for. We even met in the exact way I would have wanted to. I was on a solo rock-climbing road trip and through a series of fateful and unlikely events, we happened to be the only two people staying on a remote farm. The first...

Life Lessons: A Story of Overcoming Hurdles

Meeting new people is a new experience. The experiences of new people teach us. Their experiences give us value. Sometimes, in the stories of others, we find ourselves. Learning from the mistakes of others is also possible. The good qualities of new people give us positivity. Listening to so...

4 Lessons From 40 Years of Life

Honestly, I’m relieved it’s over. This birthday loomed over me for months, like an ominous dark cloud I didn’t want to get closer to. I feel better now. Hitting a new decade does bring about reflection. I took stock of my life and thought through what I’ve learned and hope...

To Get Over, We Must Go Through

When we find ourselves in a challenging situation, our instinct is to wish it away because it is unpleasant. We often want to rush to the point when our troubles no longer cause us discomfort. However, to heal and transmute our hardships to help us grow, we need to face them. Healing happens when...

Half-Dead but Fine

Every morning, I drive my youngest to school. She gets to sleep a little later, and I get to watch her walk inside the school and at least know she was safe up till that point. (I have serious anxiety issues, especially when it comes to my kids. Don’t worry, I do still let them live normal liv...

The Fremen from Dune are Stoics

With the new Dune movie, which was a masterpiece of imagery and story — and of course, great characters — I also started to read the book by Frank Herbert. And I have to say, that there are many more nuances in the books, especially when it comes to the Fremen and the...

My beloved narcissist

In recent years, we have been witnessing an excessive use of terms related to pathological personality disorders diagnosed and used by individuals who have no expertise in the field, no degree in psychology or psychiatry. The constant need to label and control everything that has to do wit...

Why your Why is Key

The why would be the meaning we give to our lives. The life essence driving us to give our all to achieve something. A motivating quote at first glance, probably triggering a little shot of dopamine. But today, we’re going to go a step further and try to cut through the Gordian knot that may ...

That Time Being Nice Paid Off in the End

In Oregon, where I live and practiced elder law, you can’t disinherit your spouse. If you try, your spouse can choose to have your will or trust ignored and instead receive a percentage of what you owned at death, with the percentage determined by how long you were married. An old woman cam...

You’re Only as Good as Your Person Is

I’ve noticed over the years that couples often are quite similar to each other. Mainly, in regard to how good each person is as a human being. It’s been rare that I’ve noticed a truly wonderful, caring, charming person being in a long-term relationship with a horrible person. It...

A Wisp of Air

When I was a young child, my mom shared with me that time seems to accelerate the older we get. She told me I was trying to grow up too fast. I should enjoy my youth, as those days would disappear soon enough. There was no need to rush into adulthood. She further warned me to never poke fun of ol...

Please Take Care of This For Me

“You should have screamed, Charlie. You should have woken everybody up. You shouldn’t have felt scared to tell people. Your safety is more important than that,” my boss tells me, in his serious German accent, on the stoop of the hotel we work in, with rain pouring down around us. ...

Don’t Be a Nice Person.

Most nice people are merely signaling their niceness. They aren’t good people in reality, they are just great at signaling. We are so good at it that we don’t realize we do it until it’s brought to our attention. Here is a test from the trolley problem to see where you lie. Imag...

When you Feel Behind in Life

Life moves on and we can’t help comparing ourselves (even though we know it steals our joy). As soon as we enter adult life, there’s this kind of invisible competition that sets in. It’s as if we’re all heading somewhere, and the first to get there will be the happiest. ...

You Don’t Have to Keep Living That Way

I just finished watching Painkiller on Netflix. It was very similar to Dopesick and my husband even asked why I was watching it because I already knew the whole story. If you are unaware of either show, they tell the disturbing story of the rise of OxyContin and the twisted Sackl...

When I was young I wanted PROOF that God was real. (40+ yrs later He gave it to me)

When I first got the idea to write a book, it was 2012. I had just come out of the darkest time of my life, and I had discovered the love of God. I had spent 9 months in a string of Bible Studies, and I had learned things I had never known before. The most life-changing being: “For I know t...

He Loves Me

Twenty-four years is a long time to spend with someone. (Twenty-two married.) Pretty much my entire life, actually. (I know plenty of you may have clocked more, but to me, it’s a lot.) Sometimes it feels like there was never a time I wasn’t with my husband. Getting married so yo...

Don’t stop doing you because people think your crazy.

There is nothing I find more pathetic and sad then that a group of stupid, cowardly human beings will do their best to bring down a smart and courageous one. When outright ridicule, shaming, and laughter doesn’t work to achieve their dark objective, then they resort to their trump card(not ...

My Favorite Plans Are the Ones I Cancel

People find it strange when they hear that you don’t enjoy socializing in person very often. It’s almost as if you’re strange for not wanting to go out into the world and hang out with other people. I mean, have you SEEN what the world is like, lately? Do you hear the dumb thing...

We Will Choose What’s Best for Us, If We Have To

For many years I taught Gentle Yoga in the Maricopa, Arizona Community College System, as an Adjunct Faculty member. An Adjunct Faculty teacher was someone with a Bachelor’s Degree — not a Master’s — who was hired on a semester-by-semester basis to teach individual courses...

10 lessons from six months of writing online

I started publishing content six months ago. I am by no means an influencer — I typically post 2–3 times per week — but I have learned a few things along the way. My top 10 lessons from 6 months of writing online You just have to do it. There is no practice run, you j...

Top 6 Lessons I Learned Before Hitting The Publishing Button

What Is My Process? Generally speaking, I have no specific process to follow. At first, I just wanted to write and share what was inside my mind. But as days passed, I got more serious about writing so I was thinking about the topic I wanted to write about. Who will be my niche? That is a bi...

3 Spiritual Lessons My Atheist Father Taught Me That Improved the Quality of My Life

My father is an atheist — the only atheist in our entire family yet the only person who follows the rules and philosophy of religion. Standing beside me is my father in grey t-shirt Having said that, I have seen my father living a very honest life. When I say honest, I don’t me...

Optimize Your Day: Time Management Lessons from Computer Science

Time is a precious resource; its scarcity is ever-present, yet we remain uncertain about how much we have left. This very concept fuels my desire to make the most of it, optimizing every moment to produce quality work, leaving more time for pursuits of passion. Interestingly, computer science (CS) e...

From Egyptian University to London Corporates: Valuable Lessons Learned

The younger version of myself always dreamt about traveling and exploring, as a five-year-old, I observed close relatives such as my uncles and older cousins venturing to Europe and America in pursuit of advanced degrees like Ph.D. and Masters. Their journeys, coupled with the admiration my family h...

Leadership Lessons I Learned From My First Boss

Have you ever had an encounter with someone that absolutely changed your life? Whether for better or worse, that person impacted how you see things and your choices. For me, one of those people was Blair Rigby, owner of Showcase Interiors, and my first real boss. As you can imagine, I learn...

Leadership Lessons: Listening Beyond The Words

Recently, I had the privilege of attending a captivating sharing session led by a seasoned senior leader. While the atmosphere was filled with humor and a casual tone, there was something profound beneath the surface. Through attentive listening, I unearthed three invaluable messages that the leader...

10 Lessons Performing Taught Me for Business (and Life)

We all have multiple facets of our lives, and we learn from all those facets and other activities, so why not bring that learning into our work (and general life)? In my extracurricular life, I’ve been a professional singer, and still perform occasionally. It is scary and fun and pushes me bey...

10 leadership lessons from Lao-Tzu

Legend has it that Lao-Tzu was the a court archivist in the 6th Century BCE during the Zhou Dynasty in China. He was disgusted with the politics of the day and so decided to retreat to the wilderness to live is a hermit and sage. On his way out of the city, the guard asked Lao-Tzu to record his t...

Nine Essential Leadership Lessons You Can Learn from Navy Seals

I‘ve been thinking and trying to read a lot on how to become a better leader of late. Anyone and everyone can be a leader in their own right. As someone who is big on the growth mindset, I don’t subscribe to the belief that “Great Leaders are born and not made”. While there m...

Leadership Lessons — Top Gun : Maverick

Interstellar was my all time favorite movie until, Top Gun: Maverick. I must admit this movie resonates so much with my philosophy. This blog has been on my mind for sometime, it is a reflection of my thoughts and principles on leadership. We all have our own version of — “Who ...

5 Great Business Lessons from Lex Luthor.

One of the most popular superheroes in history is Superman. He’s been around for 75 years, and you’d never be forgiven if you’re not familiar with at least some of his adventures. But if you’re looking for a character who can teach us all something, consider Lex Luthor. Here ...

Leadership Lessons from the Garden

Spring is winding down, and summer is around the corner. Lately, I have been spending time in my garden. It is the prime season to plant, prune, and fertilize as we anticipate the growth that will lead to garden delights. Time in my garden had me thinking about all the work that goes into produci...

Leadership Lessons: Listening Beyond The Words

Recently, I had the privilege of attending a captivating sharing session led by a seasoned senior leader. While the atmosphere was filled with humor and a casual tone, there was something profound beneath the surface. Through attentive listening, I unearthed three invaluable messages that the leader...

Leadership Lessons from ‘The Last Dance’: What We Can Learn from Michael Jordan

If you’ve recently binge-watched “The Last Dance” like I did, you’re probably still buzzing with excitement from reliving the incredible journey of Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls. Beyond all the dunks and game-winning shots though, I was super inspired and gripped by Jo...

10 leadership lessons from Lao-Tzu

Legend has it that Lao-Tzu was the a court archivist in the 6th Century BCE during the Zhou Dynasty in China. He was disgusted with the politics of the day and so decided to retreat to the wilderness to live is a hermit and sage. On his way out of the city, the guard asked Lao-Tzu to record his t...

Eight Counterintuitive Lessons That Made Me a Better Leader

Leadership advice is everywhere. Some of it is older than me, some born yesterday. Ideas that catch on and get repeated before anyone has a chance to check if it’s right. Maybe it sounds clever. Or logical. Or it’s just been done that way for so long, everyone stopped checking if i...

Leadership Lessons I Learned From My First Boss

Have you ever had an encounter with someone that absolutely changed your life? Whether for better or worse, that person impacted how you see things and your choices. For me, one of those people was Blair Rigby, owner of Showcase Interiors, and my first real boss. As you can imagine, I learn...

Seven Important Lessons From Life

When people come to me, they have a specific request. They ask for my help to meet a challenge or to achieve something. They arrive carrying the problem and want to find a solution to it. They do not come to discover themselves. They do not come with the primary goal of improving their understand...

Top 10 Lessons from Copenhagen

In June, the Civic Commons Learning Network in partnership with the Better Block Foundation hosted Civic Commons Learning Journey: Copenhagen, a four-day study trip that immersed learning network members in the public life, policy and culture of the city. Through explorations of ...

Lessons Learned As I Closed Our Doors

It’s not easy to put into words the journey of five years; the laughter, the late nights, and the vibrant community that surrounded House of Xelas. After an unexpected turn of events, we had to close the doors to our beloved bar this past August. Boyle Heights was my family’s first ho...

Café Lessons: Energy, Animal Attraction, and the Silent Stories We Tell

As I sat one day in an outdoor café in Prague, engaged in my favorite pastime of people-watching, a thought occurred to me: Can we tune into our inherent energy and overcome societal conventions in our interactions? If we strip away the societal norms, what truly drives us in forging connecti...

Life lessons from Epictetus

Epictetus is my favourite philosopher, his gritty, raw and unfiltered advice will slap you across the face and wake you up and realise you still have a way to go. Epictetus will keep you humble and make you stronger at the same time. Here are some life lessons from Epictetus. Master Your Mind,...

Public Space as a Solution: Four Lessons from Lexington

Lexington is the second largest city in the Commonwealth of Kentucky and is located in the famed Bluegrass region, a geography that has helped the city earn a reputation as the “Horse Capital of the World.” As one of the most recent cities to join the Reimagining the Civic Commons networ...

2023: Time, Leadership, and Lessons Learned

The Unrelenting Passage of Time The inexorable march of time, indifferent to our triumphs and tribulations, has been a prevailing theme of 2023. From the beginning of the year in January to its conclusion in December, time has proven to be an unwavering force. This realization prompts a deeper un...

7 Сool Life Lessons I Learned Living on Less Than $100/month.

Lesson 1 — Scrambled eggs are incredibly delicious, especially with onions Just look at that, folks! Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash Оh m-y-y … gulp! For ordinary food to become a real pleasure, we don’t need to add a lot of spices or ...

5 Money & Life Lessons I Learned from a Life Hustler Turned Millionaire at 43

I have intelligent friends. IQ 140. I have hardworking friends. 80 hours work week. I have opportunistic friends. They have a keen sense of what may happen. Then they position themselves before the eventual unfolding of the event. Many folks I know sit in one camp. A few in two. Dea...

8 lessons from 6 days in the USA

With funding from Unbound Philanthropy, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and This Day Foundation we brought together 14 community organisers and 5 funders to learn from our friends and colleagues in the US. We co-organised the trip with Marzena Zukowska, the incredible co-found...

Post 710 Israel Trip Lessons

When I first heard about the Shalom Hartman Institute Rabbinic Solidarity mission, my urge to sign up was overpowering. I love Hartman. For those of you who do not know them, The Shalom Hartman Institute provides high level Jewish learning and thinking for community leaders from their beautiful camp...

Lessons Learned in Silence

Presuming that a nonspeaking child has nothing to say is like presuming that an adult without a car has nowhere to go. Ellen Notbohm For a moment, let’s go back to 1995, the start of my Senior Year. Little did I know that year would change my life and go well beyond what I learned in sch...

Letchworth Lessons: My Journey from Alienation to Empowerment

In the summer of 2003, a pivotal moment reshaped my life. At 12 years old, I found myself in Upstate New York, residing with my mother, my brother, and my mother’s new husband — my stepfather. We had recently moved from the urban landscape of Rochester, New York, to the more serene setti...

Lessons From a Ladybug

So I went into the garden, per usual, to meditate. Which I do, ya know, to learn to be more humble, patient, compassionate, detach more from my selfish egoic desires. I went with my cup of coffee and cozy blanket. I like to be comfortable while I address my attachment to comfort. There was a p...

“Past Life Shadows: Unraveling Zodiac Sign’s Burdens and Lessons”

Discover how Aries carries the weight of past battles and unresolved conflicts, often manifesting as a restless and competitive spirit. Explore the possessions they may have cherished in previous lives, fueling their drive for success. The possessions that hold significance for Aries are often co...

Core Values and Leadership Lessons I Learned in College

College was everything out of the ordinary; I am no longer in the same place. I barely knew everyone, and they barely knew me either. I am basically starting from scratch. The most challenging yet meaningful stride was taking on the academic pressure gracefully amidst the pandemic. I have never s...

Lessons in Language

In the middle of an IKEA showroom, I agonized over the transition between two sentences. I was wrestling with a second-grade assignment on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. While I knew any seven-year-old could cobble together two statements about Dr. King, bridging together two thoughts about his achievem...

The Responsibility of Great Science: Lessons from Oppenheimer

If you work in science that impacts humans, please go and see Oppenheimer. If you are not familiar with the story (I wasn’t), it’s based on a book called American Prometheus, and is about J. Robert Oppenheimer’s journey building the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiro...

A Guide to Finding Affordable Music Lessons in Los Angeles

Finding affordable music lessons in Los Angeles can be a daunting task. With the city's rich musical heritage and plethora of teaching talent, prices can range significantly, making it challenging for many aspiring musicians to start their journey. At Craft Music, we approach music as both an ex...

Hands-on Ecology Lessons for Kids

The sun peeks through the dense canopy of the old-growth forest. A group of young explorers tread along the gurgling stream. They’re armed with magnifying glasses and notebooks. Their eyes sparkle with curiosity. They reflect the shimmering water and the vibrant greens of the surrounding folia...

You’re probably planning lessons all wrong…

In the UK at least (and I’d be interested to know if this is true elsewhere), lesson planning seems to be getting increasingly complicated. I am old enough to remember when training was all geared around the three part lesson. That is starter, main activity and plenary. Then it moved more into...

Lessons from Psychedelics: Why we’re afraid to ask for help and how to start

In the years I’ve spent in integration circles listening to what people are working on in psychedelic spaces, I’ve listened to this share repeated many times: “I’m unable to ask for help.” The story typically goes like this, “I needed help, I wanted to say help...

Portuguese Lessons

Dificuldade, My tongue feels its way From dee to fee, Each sound a fresh opportunity To trip over a new old sound, On past fee, but careful not to touch Tongue to front gum For a nice Portuguese ell, An exhaled long u promises relief Only to be cut short By an easy hard dee followed By an...

The Most Meaningful Lessons Are Written In Blood

Have you ever learned something the hard way? Don’t you think it would’ve been easier to learn from other people’s mistakes and advice in the first place? Sure it would. But somehow, it just doesn’t do it for us. We’re like that child who’s told not to...