Nine Essential Leadership Lessons You Can Learn from Navy Seals

<p>I&lsquo;ve been thinking and trying to read a lot on how to become a better leader of late. Anyone and everyone can be a leader in their own right. As someone who is big on the growth mindset, I don&rsquo;t subscribe to the belief that &ldquo;Great Leaders are born and not made&rdquo;. While there might be a select few who have a natural proclivity towards skills that make them a better leader, I don&rsquo;t think I&rsquo;m one of them. So I&rsquo;ve always been looking to work on and improve my leadership acumen and when I came across Jocko Willink and his book on leadership on the Tim Ferriss show I jumped on it and got myself a copy of&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Extreme Ownership</a>.</p> <p>The book is written in a clean and crisp manner with simple language and is to the point, nothing less than you would expect from a couple of Navy Seals. In addition to the leadership lessons, you also get moments of excitement when they recount their dangerous encounters from Al Ramadi in Iraq, one of the most dangerous urban areas on the planet, and how these lessons fit in there. To further drive the points home they share application in business settings as well. Alright, I&rsquo;ll stop droning on(give yourself a pat on the back if you got the pun there!) and move on to the key principles from the book that stuck with me &mdash;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>