Leadership Lessons — Top Gun : Maverick

<p>Interstellar was my all time favorite movie until,&nbsp;<strong>Top Gun: Maverick</strong>. I must admit this movie resonates so much with my philosophy. This blog has been on my mind for sometime, it is a reflection of my thoughts and principles on leadership. We all have our own version of &mdash;&nbsp;<strong><em>&ldquo;Who is the best leader ?&rdquo;&nbsp;</em></strong>Captain Pete &ldquo;Maverick&rdquo; Mitchell is definitely not the best in everything he does, and as Adm. Beau &lsquo;Cyclone&rsquo; Simpson said &mdash; &ldquo;&nbsp;<strong><em>Maverick, your reputation precedes you. And it is not a compliment.</em></strong>&rdquo; Yet there are lessons we most definitely get drawn to and much intrigues us as humans, it manifests so much in any trade or craft we are into.</p> <h1><strong>&ldquo;He wants Mach 10, we give him Mach 10.&rdquo;</strong></h1> <p>Inevitably we need to be result oriented, we need to move the needle and bring an impact on to the table. Being in a high pressure environment and calling the WLB card does not excuse us from cutting short on our jobs. Basically it&rsquo;s about competing with ourselves, how good can we be when put under pressure. Healthy push, staying accountable and delivering quality in timeline goes a mile in building great reputation with your employer. Humans have achieved extraordinary feats when put in such situations but one needs to be a brave heart to stand up to it and not bog down under pressure. Iron Man &mdash; &ldquo;<strong><em>Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.</em></strong>&rdquo;. Steve jobs did take the stage to share a extraordinary phone which revolutionized and re-imagined several possibilities in human life, however the phone when pitched was far from ready. That&rsquo;s progress over perfection at its best. Don&rsquo;t be hung into analysis paralysis.</p> <p><a href="https://blog.devgenius.io/leadership-lessons-top-gun-maverick-a07909f3635e"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>