10 Lessons Performing Taught Me for Business (and Life)

<p>We all have multiple facets of our lives, and we learn from all those facets and other activities, so why not bring that learning into our work (and general life)? In my extracurricular life, I&rsquo;ve been a professional singer, and still perform occasionally. It is scary and fun and pushes me beyond my comfort zone. It has also helped me learn a lot about myself, getting things done, and letting things go. So, here are 10 lessons performing taught me. These are some of the big reasons I call singing my &ldquo;free therapy.&rdquo;</p> <p><strong>1&middot; Work hard and then let go</strong>. I have to find the venue, let people know when and where the show will happen, maybe develop and distribute the marketing materials, learn the songs, practice with the musicians&hellip; and then relax, focus, roll with it, and have fun at showtime.</p> <p><strong>2&middot; Every time is a little different</strong>&nbsp;I can sing the same song two nights in a row or two years apart; it&rsquo;s the same message, and same notes, but because of a million little and big reasons, it comes out differently.</p> <p><strong>3&middot; Different situations require channeling different parts of ourselves</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; each song has a different story and set of emotions. My &ldquo;job&rdquo; is to convey that story or goal. Just because it&rsquo;s not my favorite situation or how I&rsquo;m feeling right now in life doesn&rsquo;t mean it&rsquo;s not authentic. Which emotion and skill set do we put front stage, or in supporting roles, to manage each situation?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/10-lessons-performing-taught-me-for-business-and-life-5dd5232529e3"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>