Hands-on Ecology Lessons for Kids

<p>The sun peeks through the dense canopy of the old-growth forest. A group of young explorers tread along the gurgling stream. They&rsquo;re armed with magnifying glasses and notebooks. Their eyes sparkle with curiosity. They reflect the shimmering water and the vibrant greens of the surrounding foliage. This is not another field trip. It&rsquo;s a classroom without walls, a living laboratory. Here, the earth and sky are the blackboards.&nbsp;Welcome to streamside studies! The hands-on ecology lessons provide an immersive learning experience for kids.</p> <p>These natural classrooms provide invaluable lessons. They teach about ecology, conservation, and the interconnectedness of life. Young, curious minds can discover a story in every part of the streamside ecosystem. They can also learn a lesson there. This includes the tiny aquatic insects and the towering trees.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/hands-on-ecology-lessons-for-kids-2e90e4340bf8"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lessons Kids