5 Great Business Lessons from Lex Luthor.

<p>One of the most popular superheroes in history is Superman. He&rsquo;s been around for 75 years, and you&rsquo;d never be forgiven if you&rsquo;re not familiar with at least some of his adventures. But if you&rsquo;re looking for a character who can teach us all something, consider Lex Luthor. Here are five lessons from this villain-turned-hero we should all take to heart:</p> <p><strong>1. Take time to think</strong></p> <p>When he was first starting out, Lex had a vision for his company &ldquo;Lex Corp.&rdquo; and how it would grow, but he didn&rsquo;t have the resources or money to make his dream a reality. So instead of rushing into things, he took his time and thought about all of the pros and cons before making any decisions. It&rsquo;s important not only to consider long-term consequences but also short term ones as well &mdash; and this applies not just in business but in life.</p> <p><strong>2. Don&rsquo;t underestimate the power of humility</strong></p> <p>Humility doesn&rsquo;t sound like a powerful business lesson, but it is. Lex Luthor isn&rsquo;t shy about his power or wealth, but he also understands that humility can be just as powerful &mdash; and it has earned him respect from many people in the business world who might not otherwise be fans of his. It&rsquo;s hard to argue with the fact that humility is the key to success in any field of endeavor. Humility helps build respect from others, which can make you much more powerful than others who don&rsquo;t have such a mindset.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@chrismassimine/5-great-business-lessons-from-lex-luthor-b30c9ea563b3"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>