5 Big Lessons My Dad Taught Me

<p>Asthe oldest child in my family, I was blessed with a mom and dad who always supported my dreams no matter what.</p> <p>My dad inspired me in so many ways, but most importantly through his positivity and quest to learn new things and to push boundaries.</p> <p>Growing up in a small town on the Jersey Shore, my dad did not come from a wealthy family. But he appreciated the bounty all around him in the back bay and ocean where he could swim, fish, crab and dig clams to his heart&rsquo;s content all for free.</p> <p>As a child he dreamed of attending the Naval Academy, but when that didn&rsquo;t pan out, he joined the Navy as a sailor anyway and made the most of it. And achieved more that he ever dreamed possible.</p> <p><strong>Here&rsquo;s the 5 big lessons my dad taught me to successfully navigate the oceans of life:</strong></p> <h2>#1. Dream Big.</h2> <p>Dad dreamed big for himself and his kids. He taught us through his example that anything was possible if you were willing to work hard and believe in yourself.</p> <p>When I had an idea for a business to create a subscription site back in the 90&rsquo;s, he gave me the money to get started no questions asked and cheered me on when it became a success.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/midform/5-big-lessons-my-dad-taught-me-fcc5850770c4">Click Here</a></p>