Tag: Diversity

Celebrating Claudia Cantu: Embracing Heritage and Diversity

Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to recognize the achievements and contributions of individuals whose heritage has shaped them into exceptional individuals. One shining example is Claudia Cantu, whose story is a testament to resilience, diversity, and the unwavering commitment to embracing dif...

You can’t just draw purple people and call it diversity

Okay, so. Here’s the thing. Understanding your own bias is hard. All we know for sure is that, whatever it is, we probably don’t know what it is. Some kind of you can’t see it ’til you see it — it being your blindspot, standing cold and naked, exactly whe...

Athens, city of diversity

Athens is often hailed as the birthplace of democracy. But Athens was also the birthplace of gay culture. Openly practiced and celebrated, homosexuality was part of the social fabric of ancient Athens. Today, the Greek capital remains a very gay-friendly city, with countless gay and lesbian bars, ma...

Celebrating Diversity

My Experience At The Joyful And Inclusive Calypso Cabaret in Bangkok Calypso Cabaret-Bangkok, Thailand As a traveler, I love immersing myself in new cultures and embracing all of the diversity that the world has to offer. That’s why I was drawn to the Calypso Cabaret in Bangkok, Thai...

Istanbul’s Unmatched Diversity

When it comes to diversity, it is tough to find a city in this world that matches Turkey’s gigantic leviathan of Istanbul, formerly known as Constantinople. The city’s incredible history is marked by diversity all along: it was first built by the Ancient Greeks, then became one o...

FILM | Celebrate Cultural Diversity Through 2022 World Ethnic Film Festival

TAIPEI, Taiwan — In a world where conflicts are often triggered by racial, cultural and religious differences, can film possibly provides us with a window to understanding, or perhaps embracing, those who are different from us? The 2022 World Ethnic Film Festival was launched on September 1...

From Diversity To Sustainability

Setting the stage for a transformative journey, we delve into the intricate dance between Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and sustainable development. Prepare to embark on a thought-provoking exploration of how these two seemingly distinct domains are inextricably linked, intertwining their t...

How Cultural Diversity Makes a City a Better Place to Live, Work and Play

Dr. Richard Florida, in his book The Rise the Creative Class, introduced three ingredients for vibrant city economies in the 21st century: Technology, Talent and Tolerance. The first two are obvious. Cities that are attractive places to live attract talented people, who in turn drive innovation and ...

Diversity is a Dangerous Set-up

In his highly useful and readable book Race on the Brain: What Implicit Bias Gets Wrong About the Struggle for Racial Justice, legal scholar and historian Jonathan Kahn makes a compelling argument that, fueled by scientism in the cognitive psychology and legal communities, implicit bi...

Hiring for Innovation and the “Diversity Bonus” by breaking your engineer recruiting process

I’m a fan of the work of Dr. Scott Page, who’s demonstrated that a key variable to innovation is cognitive (as well as other types of) diversity. If you’d like to learn more, take a look at his book “The Diversity Bonus” or check out his lecture “Wh...

There are Consequences for Everyone when Companies Ignore Diversity in Tech

I once asked my CIO at a round table, if the company had a plan to increase diversity in our IT teams. He said, ”No.” PERIOD. That’s it. No discussion, not even a token pretend statement about valuing diversity. In fact, it was clear he did not value diversity. H...

What you’re not learning in your Diversity & Inclusion workshops: The Basics

There’s a dangerous trend happening in the world of “progressives” and Diversity & Inclusion. People are learning what to say and what not to say, without understanding the actual meaning behind their words. People are memorizing formulas, rather than learning how to analy...

Ethics and Diversity in Artificial Intelligence Policies, Strategies and Initiatives

Discussions on ethics in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have gained more traction in recent years. The consensus is that, like everything that involves technology, innovations outpace policymakers, including those highlighted by the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. ...

Intersectionality 101: Why “we’re focusing on women” doesn’t work for Diversity & Inclusion

It’s ok to admit you’re not yet comfortable with the concept of intersectionality. It took me awhile to fully wrap my head around it, too. For Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) efforts at any organization to be truly impactful, we all need to better understand and apply the concept ...

A Look Back on a Decade of Diversity in Tech

In October of 2013, I wrote a piece on Medium titled “Where are the numbers?”, decrying Silicon Valley’s lack of transparency around diversity data, and it went unexpectedly viral. The tech industry released its workforce demographic data and came to a moment of reckoning for ...

The Power of Diversity: Thriving as an IT Professional in a Multicultural and Diverse Team

The workplace is evolving in today’s globalized world, and traditional boundaries are fading. Organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of diversity and actively seeking to build multicultural and diverse teams. In Information Technology (IT), working alongside individuals from diff...

How do you ensure diversity in your team?

In a recent interview, I was asked by the final interviewer to give him feedback on the overall experience. I thought I did well and in the final round spoke relatively freely. After a slight hesitation, I said “During the hiring manager interview, I was told that the company focused a lot on ...

Championing Diversity and Inclusion? Here’s 6 tips for you and more.

Posts on milestones, awards and promotions include helming a new position like Head of Diversity & Inclusion at The Financial Times or being a part of the team that designed and developed a workshop to galvanise male allies in pursuit of gender equality in partnership with Citi Women Singap...

The Imperative of Diversity and Inclusion in the Ai Industry, and why I’ve said “no” today.

For a long time now there have been a lot of open, vocal discussions about the need for diversity in the voices and creators of Ai and open-data-driven products. Often dismissed as box-ticking, or at worst a distraction from innovation and progress, it’s worth resetting the perspective before ...

Design is diversity: it’s time to talk about our role as designers

We live in a world undergoing intense transformation. A world that has awaken, as I like to believe, to the importance of empathy and respecting the ones around us. We also live in a world that has seen a lot of resistance to openness and inclusion these days. The rise of political views that ten...

Dismantling the Single Story: Diversity in Tech

We’ve all heard it — the tales of Silicon Valley, the prodigious young coder hacking away in a garage, the unicorns, the disruptors. Ah, the single story of tech! But here’s the raw truth: This singular narrative is not just incomplete; it’s an impediment to the very essence ...

Valuing Diversity To Improve Team Performance

We all know that any given project, or product development effort, requires a variety of skills sets and experience — behold the cross functional team. But beyond that, our inclination is to put people together who have similar personalities; who seem to “click.” We think that thei...

Diversity Interview Questions to ask a company

I have asked the community on LinkedIn and Twitter and here I thank everyone who contributed to this beautiful collection.  Every single person has their own strategy based on their experiences to find the right company, that truly values diversity. Before we start, let m...

The Myth of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: Is DEI Work synonymous to…not a damn thing?

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) sounds so nice and fluffy when falling off the tongue…but that’s actually part of the problem — it’s too nice, and it’s way too fluffy. It’s a trending buzz word that generously affords points to the individual spouting it ...

I Feared I Would Be a Diversity Hire; Then I Actually Became One.

I’m a woman. I’m bisexual. I’m trans. I’m a-spec (on the asexual spectrum). That would count as ‘diverse’ on several accounts. Was there anything of real-world employment substance behind those titles though, given that I’ve spent over 15 years of my care...

Diversity and Inclusion in Tech: An Urgent Call for Change

Multiple studies have shown that a more diverse workforce leads to more innovation and better financial performance. According to a report from McKinsey [2], companies with more diverse workforces are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians. Despite...

A Call to Action: Bridging the Cybersecurity Skills Gap and Enhancing Diversity

Cybersecurity is an ever-growing field, presenting both opportunities and challenges. A notable challenge is filling the significant number of open positions in this industry. Recent statistics estimate that there are over 750,000 jobs vacant in cybersecurity[¹]. In the face of such an opportun...

It’s easier to ignore diversity in schools

Diversity has been on my mind a lot this month. I’ve been planning for it in my administrative role, trying to diversify the students that know about our excellent Information School as our campus slowly shifts to direct-to-major admissions. I’ve been writing about one my colle...

The Importance of Small Details for Diversity and Inclusion

Sometimes, the most minor details can make the most significant impact. As an established company based in Belgium, we have always embraced our madewithlove.be domain name, despite our global reach. It was familiar and made sense to us. We never thought twice about it until a moment at our annual re...

Diversity and Inclusion: Why Your Workplace Needs to Have These Two

All businesses should have clear policies regarding discrimination based on race, gender, religion, age, or any other protected class. These policies should also outline procedures for reporting instances of discrimination. To effectively implement anti-discrimination policies, CEOs should commun...

Nurturing Diversity: Creating a Holistic Talent Strategy For Diverse Groups in The Workplace

Diversity in organizations is not just a moral obligation, but it is also a business advantage. Companies may unlock innovation, increase problem-solving, and boost overall productivity by cultivating an inclusive atmosphere that embraces the diversity of individuals from many backgrounds. In this p...

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Tableau Visionary Will Sutton's Twitter thread on MidJourneyAI image representation of people in data was shocking and unfortunate. Although I work with diverse people and viewpoints, there still appears to be a great divide in tech. This post briefly covers five primary reasons d...

Meritocracy or Diversity Bingo? The Amusing Confusion Over DE&I Targets in Hiring

In today’s corporate circus, where the tightrope of career advancement is strung high above a maze of cubicles, a new ringmaster’s voice echoes through the halls — DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) targets. It’s more than just a buzzword; it’s a drumbeat that ...

Embracing Diversity

1. Broadening Perspectives Exposure to diverse cultures and viewpoints broadens our understanding of the world. It challenges our preconceived notions and biases, encouraging us to think more critically and openly. This broadened perspective fosters creativity, problem-solving, and innovation. ...

Workers like it when their employers talk about diversity and inclusion

Diversity, equity and inclusion are three related values that companies and other organizations use to guide their efforts to create workplaces that are welcoming to people from all walks of life. These values emphasize the respect of individual differences and fair treatment of all people, reg...

Where “Diversity Training” Goes Wrong

Over the past few years, there has been an explosion of DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion) work and “diversity training” in schools and organizations across the nation in response to the Black Lives Matter movement and the broader social justice awakening in our country. Americans ...

Diversity and inclusion

The concept of diversity is rich in its preview of the differences among individuals at distinct levels. Such levels could include various forms of diversities like demographic, cognitive, functional, and experiential. Although demographic diversity includes differences in age, gender, race, ethnici...

Diversity, Equity, and Sustainability

Let’s talk about intersectional environmentalism. It’s a term you may have heard thrown around a lot lately, but what exactly does it mean? Simply put, it’s an approach to environmentalism that recognizes the interconnectedness of social justice issues and environmental issues. It&...

Banish Zero-Sum Thinking and Embrace the Value of Diversity

It was supposed to be a routine faculty meeting. Our task was to review the guidelines for our reaccreditation process to the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) and draft responses to each of the criteria. In one section, we had to describe our “special populations” — those...

From Diversity To Sustainability

Setting the stage for a transformative journey, we delve into the intricate dance between Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and sustainable development. Prepare to embark on a thought-provoking exploration of how these two seemingly distinct domains are inextricably linked, intertwining their t...

How to approach Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for your startup.

In the early days of building a company it can be difficult to focus on DEI in addition to everything else. It is possible though to take conscious steps towards building a diverse company with an inclusive culture without derailing your broader vision. A sensible approach to DEI for a seed-stage st...

How "Anti-Diversity" Became Just Another Way of Masking Racism

It’s carnival season in New Orleans again, and many are gearing up to eat their first slice of king cake and attend masquerade balls, lavish events where some in attendance wear masks. Historically, this was done so that the upper bourgeoisie could mingle with those in the lower classes withou...

The Downsides of Diversity Quotas

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs have fast become a norm at most organizations with courageous executives attempting to right the wrongs of the past, all while trying to generate shareholder returns and keep sweat-shop whistleblowers quiet. These programs aim to address past discri...

When They Come for Diversity, No One is Safe

I’ve been leading and designing diversity, equity, and inclusion programs for over two decades. Unlike countless new entrants to the field, my team and I have traversed this terrain for ages. I have long believed that the workplace is the biggest learning laboratory we have outside of formal e...

The Guardians of Biological Diversity

At the 2023 session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), the UN Secretary-General António Guterres lauded indigenous peoples for their pioneering efforts in protecting nature and preserving biodiversity. The Secretary-General recognized the crucial role of indigenous peopl...

Interpersonal Racial Diversity During Quarantine vs In-Person

Interpersonal Diversity was more likely to decrease than increase during quarantine, but it mostly remained the same. Figure 1 Most students indicated that the interpersonal diversity in their lives remained the same during #Quarantine. Among those indicating a change, more indicated a decline...

Cultural Photography: Capturing Diversity and Heritage

Cultural photography is an enriching and powerful form of photography that focuses on capturing the essence of different cultures and communities. It involves photographing people, traditions, ceremonies, architecture, and daily life, offering a window into the diverse ways of life around the world....

The Intersection: Cultural Diversity and its Impact on Asian Australians

Cultural diversity, as it turns out, isn’t just a neat buzzword people throw around at cocktail parties—it’s a genuinely pivotal aspect of modern social fabric. When we think of cultural diversity, we’re talking about the melting pot, the spicy gumbo, the hearty stew of tr...

Leveraging Mobile Applications for Museums: A Tool for Enriching Exhibition Quality and Expanding Audience Diversity

This article delves into the role of mobile applications in revolutionizing the museum experience. The integration of mobile apps in museums is explored as a means of improving exhibition quality and diversifying the audience reach. Through various technological features and engagement strategies, s...

Hina Matsuri A Time-Honored Tradition Embracing Modern Diversity

Historical Roots and Evolution Japan’s Hina Matsuri, also known as Girls’ Day, celebrated every 3rd of March, has evolved from a ritual praying for health and well-being to a festival primarily associated with girls. Originating from ancient China’s “Shangsi Festival,&rdqu...

The Art of Linguistic Diversity: Celebrating the Richness and Complexity of Global Languages

Linguistic diversity is one of the most remarkable features of human civilization, encompassing a vast array of languages, dialects, and linguistic traditions that have evolved over millennia. From the rhythmic cadences of tonal languages to the intricate grammar of polysynthetic tongues, the world&...