A Look Back on a Decade of Diversity in Tech

<p>In October of 2013, I wrote a piece on Medium titled&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@triketora/where-are-the-numbers-cb997a57252" rel="noopener">&ldquo;Where are the numbers?&rdquo;</a>, decrying Silicon Valley&rsquo;s lack of transparency around diversity data, and it went unexpectedly viral. The tech industry released its workforce demographic data and came to a moment of reckoning for its sins of white male homogeneity; I became an accidental spokesperson for the diversity in tech movement.</p> <p>For years and years, I hit the talking points: Yes, diversity is important. We build better products with diverse teams. It&rsquo;s the right thing to do, but it&rsquo;s also the smart thing to do. Diversity is more than gender diversity. True inclusion must be intersectional. The data matters so we can understand our baseline, set targets, and track progress.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@triketora/a-look-back-on-a-decade-of-diversity-in-tech-d39e6e1637b0"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>