A Call to Action: Bridging the Cybersecurity Skills Gap and Enhancing Diversity

<p>Cybersecurity is an ever-growing field, presenting both opportunities and challenges. A notable challenge is filling the significant number of open positions in this industry. Recent statistics estimate that there are over 750,000 jobs vacant in cybersecurity[&sup1;]. In the face of such an opportunity, the industry also grapples with another challenge &mdash; the urgent need to increase diversity and inclusivity.</p> <p>Various organizations, like the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and CyberWarrior.com, have teamed up to address this pressing issue[&sup2;]. Notably, tech giant Google has also launched an educational campaign to tackle the problem[&sup3;].</p> <p><a href="https://caumike.medium.com/a-call-to-action-bridging-the-cybersecurity-skills-gap-and-enhancing-diversity-d37fabc0ed81"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>