How "Anti-Diversity" Became Just Another Way of Masking Racism

<p>It&rsquo;s carnival season in New Orleans again, and many are gearing up to eat their first slice of king cake and attend masquerade balls, lavish events where some in attendance wear masks. Historically, this was done so that the upper bourgeoisie could mingle with those in the lower classes without being identified. Wearing a mask allowed someone to engage in culturally taboo behaviors without feeling the sting of social scorn. Perhaps that&#39;s why&nbsp;<em>Louisiana State University</em>&nbsp;recently removed a &quot;<a href=",Civil%20Rights%20and%20Title%20IX." rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">diversity statement</a>&quot; from its website and changed the name of a department designed to foster inclusion. I&#39;m not sure who they think they&#39;re fooling with this policy shift, but anti-diversity is a thinly veiled mask for racism.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Anti Diversity