I Feared I Would Be a Diversity Hire; Then I Actually Became One.

<p>I&rsquo;m a woman. I&rsquo;m bisexual. I&rsquo;m trans. I&rsquo;m a-spec (on the asexual spectrum). That would count as &lsquo;diverse&rsquo; on several accounts.</p> <p>Was there anything of real-world employment substance behind those titles though, given that I&rsquo;ve spent over 15 years of my career performing as a man, 8 of those as a &lsquo;DevOps guy&rsquo; and 4 as a &lsquo;one man show&rsquo;?</p> <p>Stupid question, obviously. Tech is a meritocracy and a fair process evaluates solely on meritful criteria.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/gender-from-the-trenches/i-feared-i-would-be-a-diversity-hire-then-i-actually-became-one-80d91f86eba3"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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