Tag: Digital

The Role of SaaS in Digital Transformation: Navigating the Digital Seas in the Age of Disruption

Introduction In the grand ocean of modern business, digital transformation is the North Star guiding companies toward success. But navigating these waters is no small feat; it requires a reliable compass. That compass is Software as a Service (SaaS). Like the sextant of old, SaaS helps businesses...

Bridging the Digital Grind with Healthy Living in Barcelona

¡Hola! My name is Vanesha. Just over a year ago, I left the serene beaches and lush landscapes of Mauritius, my home, to immerse myself in the vibrant streets and sun-kissed shores of Barcelona. While the transition from a tranquil island to Catalonia’s bustling heart might seem stark, i...

Artificial empathy, digital dependency, and loneliness: exploring connections and actions

Empathy is an essential ingredient to maintaining health in our primary relationships. At work, this relationship would most likely be with our immediate supervisors and direct reports. Beyond what the experts and headlines say, we all know how powerful it is to feel understood and cared for when...

You Are Using Apple Notes Completely Wrong

When Apple first introduced the Notes app, many of us saw it as a digital post-it — a place to jot down quick thoughts or cooking recipes. But over the years, Apple Notes has evolved, becoming more than just a basic note-taking app; and it is now a multifaceted tool capable of handling sket...

Cryptocurrency: Unlocking the Digital Financial Revolution

Cryptocurrency, more common in today’s financial environment, refers to a digital revolution that challenges the concept of money and commerce. Born out of cryptography and blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies have captured the imagination of investors, technologists and individuals who wan...

Aark Digital Point Mining Event Reveal

The wait is over. Aark Digital Open Beta on mainnet is almost here! Launch Date: August 10th at 1:00 PM UTC + 0. In today’s post, we’d like to introduce the first main event of our Open Beta. We present to you… Point Mining event where you can earn exclusive rewards! TL;...

Here’s What’s Wrong With Our Remix Culture. It’s Transforming Us All into Digital Zombies.

As a teenager, I was proud of being born in the 1960s — the flickering embers of the 1960s, but still the sixties. I don’t have a good explanation for my pride in this fact. But I guess it has something to do with feeling older, wiser, and better than my friends who were born in the 7...

We are Analog Refugees in a Digital World

Mrs. S., who is 95, needs to reach her ophthalmologist and can’t locate his telephone number, so she picks up her phone and calls Directory Assistance. However, Directory Assistance doesn’t work as it used to. Instead of a person, Mrs. S. tries to explain her request to a computer with a...

Mastering Python for Data Analysis in Digital Marketing

In the digital marketing realm, data is the driving force behind effective decision-making. Marketers need to harness the power of data to understand consumer behavior, optimize campaigns, and stay ahead of the competition. Python, a versatile and accessible programming language, has become an inval...

Digital Therapeutics: Are We Building What Matters?

As a venture capitalist, I don’t scream all the time — I only scream when investing in digital therapeutics. Obviously, that’s a joke. I believe in digital therapeutics. At one or several points in our lives, every one of us will face medical conditions where DTx may be the ther...

Apple’s Vision Pro AR Headset Is Finally Here: Blending the Real and Digital Worlds

Hey, there! I’m Gabe, and I am passionate about teaching others about Python and Machine Learning. But today, I want to share something that has me absolutely thrilled and buzzing with excitement. Apple has finally unveiled its long-awaited AR/VR headset, and it’s called the Vision Pro! ...

After Six Years Of Being A Digital Nomad, I’m Ready To Go Home

I’ve lived as a digital nomad for six years. And during that time, I’ve enjoyed the privilege of visiting dozens of countries while working remotely. I make my own hours, spend all day writing, and earn enough money to pay my bills. But, I’m starting to realize that the d...

Here’s What’s Wrong With Our Remix Culture. It’s Transforming Us All into Digital Zombies.

As a teenager, I was proud of being born in the 1960s — the flickering embers of the 1960s, but still the sixties. I don’t have a good explanation for my pride in this fact. But I guess it has something to do with feeling older, wiser, and better than my friends who were born in the 7...

The Influence of Social Media on Self-Perception: Navigating the Digital Mirror

In the age of social media, our online presence often serves as a digital mirror reflecting back our self-worth, popularity, and perceived social status. However, this virtual reflection can have a profound impact on our self-perception, self-esteem, and mental health. In this article, we will de...

Will digital yuan be able to achieve its lofty goals?

Inthe dynamic arena of digital innovation, China’s ambitious strides with its digital yuan, the e-CNY, are nothing short of a game-changer. This digital currency, crafted as a response to the tech titans Alibaba and Tencent dominating payment platforms (launched in 2004 and 2005 respectively),...

Digital Detox: Why Do We Need It In This Stressful Era of Social Media

As a student myself who is living my quarter life crisis era, I can’t escape from the dynamics of social media. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and anything else you call them. Consequently, almost everyday, my brain consumes the visualization of my friends and connections’ life a lot, no ...

Chronicles of the Digital Arthashastra: Week 3 — Breathing Life into Data

As we delve deeper into our grand fusion of ancient wisdom and modern tech, this week promises to be a paradigm-shifting experience. Today, we harness the power of Generative AI to sculpt a unique risk assessment model inspired by the teachings of Chanakya’s Arthashastra. Article Content: ...

Societal Change in the Digital Age

Arather long time ago, we figured out that fire wasn’t just good for making mastodon ribs much tastier and keeping us warm, it also helped keep us safe from other animals that liked our tasty ribs. Since then we started to form societies and use culture as the code to evolve. Our societies hav...

Here’s What’s Wrong With Our Remix Culture. It’s Transforming Us All into Digital Zombies.

As a teenager, I was proud of being born in the 1960s — the flickering embers of the 1960s, but still the sixties. I don’t have a good explanation for my pride in this fact. But I guess it has something to do with feeling older, wiser, and better than my friends who were born in the 7...

The Art of Mindful Tech: Finding Serenity in a Digital World

In today’s fast-paced, digitally-driven world, our minds are constantly bombarded with notifications, emails, and social media updates. It’s no wonder that many of us find it increasingly challenging to maintain mental well-being in this tech-saturated environment. But what if I told you...

The digital tools that have run my life in 2023

As with many of us, I rely on technology heavily in my day-to-day life. Whether that’s to ensure that I’m in the right place at the right time or to remember what needs doing, I have an app on my phone that helps me live my life more easily and more efficiently. This article is design...

Digital Detox: Reclaim Your Life from Screen Overload

Are you feeling like you’ve been sucked into the black hole of screens, notifications, and endless scrolling? Well, you’re not alone. In this tech-savvy world, it’s easy to get caught in the whirlwind of digital overload. But fear not, because today, we’re going to embark ...

The Digital Tools that Run My Life (2023)

I run my life with digital tools. I do nearly everything online except for a few specific use-cases which I’ll discuss another day! Currently I’m up to 16 apps. This number does not bother me at all as I don’t abide by the implicit standard of the all-in-one app, my system just ...

After Six Years Of Being A Digital Nomad, I’m Ready To Go Home

I’ve lived as a digital nomad for six years. And during that time, I’ve enjoyed the privilege of visiting dozens of countries while working remotely. I make my own hours, spend all day writing, and earn enough money to pay my bills. But, I’m starting to realize that the d...

You Need Only This One Minimalistic Device to Become a True Digital Nomad

Digital nomadism is a dream for most of us. It’s a sign of independence and freedom in life. We all know this image of a guy sitting on the beach and working as a freelancer. I recently decided to turn my life in this direction as well. However, to become a true digital nomad, you first ...

The Four-Phase Journey to Eradicating Calendars: Embracing Digital Serendipity

With AI at the forefront, imagine a world where back-to-back meetings no longer dominate your workday. A time when calendar invites and the mad scramble to schedule are a relic of the past. Welcome to the era of Digital Serendipity. Photo by Kym Ellis on Unsplash A Familiar ...

How You Can Get Ahead of the Curve Using AI in Digital Art Production

Six different AI programmes were used in the production of the panel above. There are many more I could use. Anyone using computers as part of their art production process should see if anything AI is helpful to you. I will go through each part of the process and the programmes used. My first bru...

How Digital Art Challenges Traditional Art

Go back in time and enter any of the famous Palaeolithic caves full of animal representations, finger prints, and hunting scenes. We are amazed by how prehistoric pigments and drawings survived until today so that we can witness their greatness. Imagine you are standing in front of a pa...

My answers to fisheye magazine about How Digital Technologies Transform the Art World.

What impact do you think digital, VR and immersive technologies will have on artistic proposals, museums and galleries over the next few years? We can already observe upheavals in the traditional roles of the players in the art world. But first, I’d like to emphasize the distinction between...

Blurring Identities: A Series of Digital Artworks

Reality has always been a perception. A perception of things experienced through our senses that we comprehend as our now, our life, our reality. But what happens when these perceptions are challenged in varied environments or ecosystems with continuously changing dimensions? The two-dimensional ...

The Digital Art Disconnect: How Traditional Galleries can Benefit from Embracing the Blockchain

The digital art world has a curation problem. Digital artists have shifted away from traditional art galleries, but oversaturation has left them struggling to reach serious buyers. Could galleries become the curators of the digital art era, validating the work of true artists and connecting them to ...

The revolution in modern digital art

Modern digital art has revolutionized the world of creativity and artistic expression. With advancements in technology, artists now have a plethora of tools and techniques at their disposal to create stunning visuals that push the boundaries of traditional art forms. One area where digital art is ma...

The Unbuilt Architects: Pioneering the Future of Design Through AI and Digital Platforms

The role of an architect has traditionally been to design structures that will eventually be built, lived in, and experienced in three dimensions. However, we’re entering an era where architects can be influential without ever seeing their designs materialize in the physical world. With the ad...

E-DALL-E: Creating Digital Art with Varying Aspect Ratios

You may have seen some images generated from text using DALL-E 2 [1] from OpenAI. Although the system is impressive and the results are incredible, it’s currently only available in a closed beta with a waitlist. However, you can access and run an independent text-to-image system called DA...

The Best Mobile Games to Play in 2023: A Look at the Digital Playground

It’s been years since the inception of mobile gaming. From the classic Snake game on the Nokia 3310 to the visually stunning masterpieces on the iPhone 13, the evolution of mobile games is nothing short of spectacular. And 2023 seems to have upped the ante even more. With ...

It’s time to build your digital twin

Digital twin technology has revolutionized the way we think about physical objects, processes, and services. A digital twin is a digital representation of a real-world entity, such as a jet engine, a wind farm, a building, or even an entire city. This technology allows engineers and developers to cr...

Mixed Reality is our Digital Future

For many people, the word “metaverse” has been tainted with negative connotations, conjuring images of cartoonish worlds filled with creepy avatars or opportunistic platforms selling “virtual real estate.” For others, the word inspires a mild shrug followe...

Cryptocurrencies and Metaverse: The New Economic Topography of the Digital World

Introduction With limitless potential, revolutionary innovations, and propositions that could shape the future, the metaverse and cryptocurrencies are two of the most intriguing concepts of the 21st century. These two technological innovations have transcended the realm of science fiction and are...

The Metaverse: Navigating the Next Frontier of Digital Reality

A concept that has been making waves recently is the Metaverse. It’s not just a buzzword; it’s a paradigm shift in how we perceive and interact with the digital realm. As the lines between the physical and virtual worlds blur, the Metaverse is emerging as the next frontier of digi...

Metaverse Made Simple: Navigating the Future of Digital Realities

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, we find ourselves at the cusp of a new era — the Metaverse. A term that was once confined to the realms of science fiction has now become a plausible reality. The Metaverse represents a convergence of virtual and physical realities, offering a s...

Digital Horizons: Charting the Course Through the Metaverse and Its Multifaceted Industry Impacts

We know it’s been a little quiet on our end, but rest assured, the silence has been brimming with innovation, creativity, and a dash of Time Travelling magic here at GoArt. While we took a small step back, our team has been working hard crafting features to make your digital journey with us mo...

The Next Generation Of Digital Empowerment

In a world where technology continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible, the concept of the metaverse has emerged as the next frontier of digital empowerment. It represents a convergence of virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchain, and user-generated content that is transforming ...

Today’s Digital Buzz: Coinbase’s Big Move, Metaverse Boom, Web3’s AWS Link, and NFT Drama!

Welcome to our daily news roundup, where we share the top headlines shaking the digital landscape. #1 Cryptocurrency One of the most significant news of the day comes from Coinbase Ventures, emerging as the most active crypto venture capital firm with 372 deals. This highlights the converg...

The Dawn Of A Digital Civilization

The Virtual City: Tech Titans’ Grand Vision for a Digital Metropolis The Metaverse and Omniverse projects seek to transform the Digital Environment into a virtual urban landscape. But will these grand visions succeed? Were tech titans like Mark Zuckerberg and Jen-Hsun Huang striving to crea...

The Metaverse: Your Digital Playground of the Future

Introduction The term “Metaverse” has been buzzing in the tech world, and you might be wondering what all the hype is about. Is it just another sci-fi concept or a tangible reality that’s about to reshape our lives? In this article, we’ll delve into the concept of the Meta...

Digital Twins: The Data-Driven Future of Businesses

Digital twins are virtual representations of physical systems that promise to transform industries through data-driven simulations. This primer provides a comprehensive overview of digital twins and their evolving role across sectors. It explains key concepts, architectures, capabilities, benefits, ...

Digital Identity and Privacy in Metaverse

Ensuring user privacy and managing digital identities in the metaverse is crucial to build trust and protect individuals’ rights. Here are key strategies: Decentralized Identity Systems: Implement decentralized identity solutions based on blockchain technology. This gives users control o...

Did You Know? Some PS1 Classic Games Are Currently “Hidden” On PS3’s Digital Storefront

I stumbled upon something strange not too long ago when looking closely at the PS3’s Playstation Store offerings in the U.S. I remembered certain games that I had purchased as PS One Classics being available years in the past, and yet I didn’t see them in the “PS One Classics&rdquo...

Digital Game Based Learning

As a future educator, digital game based learning will be incorporated into my classroom curriculum. I feel like DGBL makes the learning more personable for the students. Students, whether they engage in playing video games or not, would bebe fit from the DGBL style of learning in the classroom beca...

Blending digital and physical: Designing for spatial passthrough experience

In WWDC23’s introduction of Apple Vision Pro, the notion of “blend” is continuously emphasized. This recurring term manifests Apple’s design philosophy of crafting an integrated hybrid environment that blends digital content into the physical space, underlining the ...

Leading Tech Group, ALTAVA, Launches ‘ALTAVA 3.0’ — Pioneering The Next Evolution of Digital Fashion

In addition, the virtual fashion items created in the platform can be used in ALTAVA’s virtual worlds, including but not limited to metaverses, games, SNSs and all services utilizing virtual avatars and fashion assets. The platform aims to democratize digital fashion, enabling anyone to design...

Digital Dreams (Short Story)

“I got the laptop; it was a Mac, 15 inches, which felt small. Nothing seemed to fit the screen properly; that was my first thought. It oddly reminded me of a Game Boy screen, even though it was indeed a laptop. A strange duality. I opened the door to a small apartment, and there w...

Reclaim Your Data Ownership: Leveraging Unix Philosophy for Modern Digital Workflows

Amidst the ever-changing technological landscape, some battle-tested principles remain very relevant. The Unix Philosophy is one such guiding framework, offering not just historical context, but actionable insights into personal data management in today’s world. It represents a path ...

Top 3 Digital Mediums to Generate Leads in 2021

In today’s world investing in Digital Marketing is essential to grow your business, regardless of its size and industry. Lead generation can be a lot easier if you follow an effective social media marketing strategy. Lead generation is a key element of a workable marketing plan to grow your...

A European Travel Experience: Film vs Digital

Whether you’ve been a traveler or not, chances are you’ve seen some of the world’s most well known landmarks. Not literally, of course, but through videos and image — usually taken by professionals — who have visited those landmarks for you and have already taken the mo...

Why the Most Overlooked Startup Ecosystem in Asia is the World’s 2nd Best City for Digital Nomads?

Visiting Bangkok for the 1st time or returning for a few major conferences this year? This is the ultimate crash course into the Thai startup ecosystem and why it is (still) a beautiful chaos Warning: Ecosystem Spoiler Alert! Don’t read if you want to discover the charms and quirks of Th...

Bridging the Digital Grind with Healthy Living in Barcelona

¡Hola! My name is Vanesha. Just over a year ago, I left the serene beaches and lush landscapes of Mauritius, my home, to immerse myself in the vibrant streets and sun-kissed shores of Barcelona. While the transition from a tranquil island to Catalonia’s bustling heart might seem stark, i...

The Everlasting Bond Between Fashion and Digital Design

The need to represent ideas and concepts through fashion has driven many designers to develop interdisciplinary skills that overlap with their crafting of fabrics, prints, and other materials. With the pandemic, the demand for virtual fitting and personalized fashion has increased dramatically. This...

The legend of Manfred Ficke: An analog wonder in a digital world.

How did I end up owning the small yet powerful drum machine the MFB522? Sending a money order to Germany and then anxiously awaiting the arrival of the package from Berlin. This tiny red and black drum machine packs a powerful punch with its analog sound. I am a Detroiter, I come from the birthpl...

Digital One Agency: Crafting Cutting-Edge Websites and Mobile Apps for Dubai and the UAE

In the heart of the Middle East, Dubai and the wider UAE region are rapidly evolving into a global hub for innovation and technology. At the forefront of this digital transformation is Digital One Agency, renowned for its expertise in creating quality websites and mobile apps. With a growing portfol...

World Blockchain Summit Dubai: Igniting Innovation, Forging Alliances and Revolutionizing the Digital Landscape

With new regulatory frameworks for digital assets and issuance of commercial licenses for web3 projects, Dubai is all set to become the blockchain capital in the Middle East region. Our PR partner yourPRstrategist is a proud media partner of the World Blockchain Summit and we are pl...

What is UAE’s Digital Economy Strategy?

According to a WAM report, the UAE has achieved remarkable strides in its transition towards a digital economy since 2013. These achievements have effectively bolstered the competitiveness of the UAE’s national economy. This is affirmed by indices released by international bodies like the Worl...

16 Facts About Digital Business Card Everyone Thinks are True

In today’s digital era, traditional business cards are gradually being replaced by their digital counterparts. Digital business cards offer numerous advantages and have gained popularity among professionals worldwide. In this blog, we will explore 16 facts about digital business cards that are...

Temporary Malfunktion x Raw — physical to digital

Technology is ever advancing, each day we get closer to; exploring the vastness of the universe, becoming more immersed in the metaverse, diving into the depths of the oceans to find new creatures never before seen in the light. What, if not to answer the unanswered, explore the unexplored is tec...

IOST Inaugurates AI Lab to Accelerate the Evolution of Web3 Digital Innovation

Since the introduction of ChatGPT, there has been a surge of interest in the field of Artificial Intelligence worldwide. Companies across the planet are investing in the development of next-generation AI products similar to ChatGPT. The impact of AI on digital transformation has been significant, pa...

Hong Kong is central to China’s capital markets ecosystem, but is a digital currency?

Western visitors returning to China for face-to-face meetings will find a country as keen to attract outside investment as it is to develop a self-sufficient financial and technological ecosystem. Hong Kong’s role in this complex process seems more important than before; it has noticed a ...

The Technological Version of Detox: Digital Detox

As the place of technology ever increases in our lives, the idea of living without it seems more and more unimaginable. Time spent without technological devices is very little if any, we have become highly dependant on and addicted to various instruments for doing numerous tasks in our lives. As a m...

American Digital Nomads Keep Getting Trashed by Top Media Outlets

Four years ago, I started writing a screenplay about young Americans migrating to Mexico City. The concept was that if or as the U.S empire crumbles, Americans with will and vision would use the two assets they still have that make them the most privileged collective citizenry in the world (the Amer...

One month into being a Digital Nomad

Changing your lifestyle is not for the faint of heart. When you want something, though, and are ready to put in the work, it’s incredible what you can accomplish. Seven months ago, I had an idea. A seemingly crazy idea. To take my online ESL teaching job on the road. To become a digital nom...

Digital One Agency: Pioneering Web Development and Design Excellence in Sydney

In the heart of Sydney, a city known for its vibrant technology scene, stands Digital One Agency, a beacon of web development and design excellence. Renowned for its cutting-edge solutions and creative prowess, Digital One Agency has etched its name as one of Sydney’s most prestigious web...

Digital disruption underground

Light Rail is a key part of the first stage of delivering the Transport for New South Wales Future Transport strategy. From my first-hand experience as Digital Engineering Manager on the infrastructure projects the utility relocation aspect of light rail is an area ripe for disrupt...

What’s your core to bring for digital nomad-ing?

Sharing my background to recap how it had happened — I’m a Product Manager employed in Korea office of a global IT startup. Due to the nature of company culture working across ocean — US/KR/SG/UK/etc., we were used to remote working culture from pre-covid. Since covid emerged, enti...

My Software Engineering Internship experience at GE Digital

Last Friday brought my 8-month internship (co-op?) at GE Digital in Burnaby, BC to an end. Given the bit of extra time I have now, I thought I’d sit down and reflect on my time there while it’s still relatively fresh in my mind. There are a lot of different aspects of my work experience ...

Roam: A Case Study on Transforming the Outdoor Experience.

As technology continues to evolve, camping enthusiasts now have the opportunity to elevate their outdoor adventures with the integration of digital features in camping vehicles. The digital experience allows for users to enhance their camping experiences through the different function...

Key Digital Transformation Trends in Real Estate Technology Every Realtor Should Stay Informed About

Technological advancement occurs at a very fast pace, and every market is soon adapting to it. In today’s world, no industry is left behind, including real estate business with many businesses using more and modern technologies. Nonetheless, real estate businesses need to adopt various real es...

Crafting a Vibrant Retirement: The Art of Downsizing and Digital Transformation

The Canvas of Retirement: Fear and Possibilities Retirement, akin to an artist facing a blank canvas, is a space filled with both fear and boundless possibilities. The fear often stems from the unknown, a concern about how to infuse purpose into a life no longer defined by the rigours of a daily ...

What is a digital marketing and why LearnupDigital is the best digital marketing agency

Digital marketing has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionising the way companies connect with their audience. This shift from traditional to digital marketing strategies has been necessitated by the evolving consumer behaviour, marked by increased reliance on online platforms. This article delves ...

What is a digital marketing and why LearnupDigital is the best digital marketing agency

Digital marketing has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionising the way companies connect with their audience. This shift from traditional to digital marketing strategies has been necessitated by the evolving consumer behaviour, marked by increased reliance on online platforms. This article delves ...

What is a digital marketing and why LearnupDigital is the best digital marketing agency

Digital marketing has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionising the way companies connect with their audience. This shift from traditional to digital marketing strategies has been necessitated by the evolving consumer behaviour, marked by increased reliance on online platforms. This article delves ...

Can built products inspire better digital experiences?

The design of manufactured products requires a great deal of consideration of ergonomics to ensure the products we’re designing fit the people using them. When designing furniture we use percentiles to make products the right scale which helps us to create comfort, reduce fatigue or injury, th...

Who is really to blame for digital exclusion?

Once again in history, exclusion arises in the vacuum of major changes in society and the advent of new technology. Nowadays, digital exclusion is a recurring theme in the headlines. Digitalisation has been going on for some time, but when the old ways of analogue participation in society are phased...

Stop Wasting Money: The Smarter Way to Market in the Digital Age |Gratix Technologies

In the contemporary landscape, envisioning a world devoid of the internet is Unthinkable. With a stunning 4.5 billion active users worldwide, the internet stands as the primary nexus for spreading information, spanning updates on family matters, scientific and political news, to entertainment shared...

Social Media Campaigns for Ayodhya Ram Mandir Inauguration

The much-awaited inauguration of Ayodhya Ram Mandir on January 22nd is not just a monumental event for India but a moment of pride for Hindus across the world. To make this occasion truly global, it’s essential to harness the power of social media through strategic campaigns. In this...

Digital Support, Real Impact: AskSHEROES Helpline’s Yearlong Journey, Offering Free Professional Counselling to Millions of Women in 2023

Inthe vast expanse of online social networks, SHEROES emerges as a trailblazer by prioritizing mental health for its 25M+ strong tribe of incredible women. At its core lies the AskSHEROES Helpline — A lifeline for women worldwide, offering free 24/7 online counseling chat support tha...

Top-Rated Digital Marketing Freelancer For Election Campaigns In India

Looking for the best digital marketing freelancer in India for your election campaign? Look no further! At APS Web Solution, we offer unrivaled expertise in social media management and top-notch SEO services. Why Digital Marketing Matters: In today’s digital age, an effect...

Can Certainty in Digital Forensics Be Automated?

Our previous article in this series reported that the more conclusive the evidence (and the more confident the expert testifying to it), the better for jurors’ decision making. Probabilistic reporting, introduced to forensic science by DNA analysis, has proven particularly effective....

Digital Evidence Is Behind Only a Tiny Fraction of Wrongful Convictions

I have a new article live at An Injustice!, about the human factors behind the kinds of mistakes in forensic science that can lead to wrongful convictions. The article came about after I learned of a research report, published earlier in 2023, that explored this topic in much great...

Legal Perspectives on Digital Identity

I recently stumbled upon a revelation that has entirely reshaped my understanding as a lawyer, something so profound that it has jolted my ‘anticuada mente de abogada’ into a new era of thought. We often pride ourselves on the solidity and timelessness of legal principles, but what I&...

Your Legal: How AI is Making a Difference

Your Legal: How AI is Making a Difference In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, and the legal sector is no exception. AI technologies are making a significant difference in how legal professionals practice law, imp...

Digital Twin Technology In Logistics — TheCodeWork

Did you hear the new buzz-word in town? Well, here it is — Digital Twin Technology. It is one of the most cutting-edge technologies which is even being considered a huge breakthrough for the logistics industry. However, what is digital twin technology? As the name suggests, these ...

The Trucking Industry is Ready for a Long-Overdue Digital Revolution

Trucking startups received over $9.2 billion in investment over the past 5 years, with year over year increases in funding ranging from 80% to 165% since 2016. Despite this influx of funding, large swaths of the industry remain untouched by technology. So far, much of the invested capital has g...

Indigenous Approaches to Digital Infrastructure

Earlier this year, Data & Society proudly welcomed Tiara Roxanne as a postdoctoral fellow. In this blog post, Roxanne introduces their approach to a vital question: Can a digital infrastructure be trustworthy from an Indigenous perspective? Throughout the course of their fellowship, Ro...

Advancing our Future Within the Digital Divide

The evolution of technology has been a boon in our daily lives. Through these innovations, we pay our bills, check emails, and stay connected to our friends and family. The basis for all these actions depends on two circumstances: having access to a capable device and connecting that device to the I...

Programming Life like a software: How Digital Biology Will Disrupt Everything?

TheBio Revolution encompasses a range of fast-moving fields such as genomics, proteomics, cell engineering, and synthetic biology. As Huang notes, it’s flat out going to be one of the biggest technological shifts we’ve ever seen. According to experts, the economic impact will be on par w...

Can Certainty in Digital Forensics Be Automated?

The answers are multifaceted. For one thing, one device found at a crime scene or on a suspect is not the same as DNA found in the same places. Instead, the device contains the digital data comparable to DNA: not just the content, but also the metadata, usage patterns, and even versions that help to...

Data-driven digital twins: Where statistics meets physics

A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical process or product. It is used to simulate how its physical counterpart will perform throughout its lifecycle. Digital twins can evolve with the real-time flow of data from a real-world system, helping developers understand and control the per...

Parenting in the Digital Age: The Solution is in your hands!

A few years ago, one of my friends, who was somewhat devoted to me and listened to me, asked me for help in raising his child. She complained that her son doesn’t listen to her and makes friends with people who, in her opinion, are not suitable people to be friends with. I told him only one se...

Digital Anthropology

What is Anthropology Anthropology deals with the scientific study of humanity, which relates to human behavior, societies, and cultures. In simple words, we can say that Anthropology is the study of human behaviors. If we look at the word, ‘Anthropology’, it consists of ‘...

Exploring the Intersection of Python, Digital Humanities, and Cultural Heritage

In the realm of digital humanities and cultural heritage, Python has emerged as a powerful tool for researchers, archivists, and historians alike. Its versatility, ease of use, and vast array of libraries make it an ideal choice for tasks ranging from data analysis to visualization in these fields. ...

3D Modeling and Cultural Heritage: Preserving the Past through Digital Reconstruction

The past offers us a lot of valuable insights and knowledge. For many generations, our ancestors have left us with invaluable teachings and artifacts that define our culture as human beings. As Marcus Garvey quotes: “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture i...

Unmissable Festivals—10 Best Places for Digital Nomads in Asia

Hey there, fellow digital nomads, freelancers, and remote work enthusiasts! Embark with me on a journey where the boundaries between work and play blur harmoniously, revealing the vibrant and culturally rich tapestry of destinations in Asia. As someone well-versed in both the nomadic lifestyle ...

The Ultimate Guide to Cultural Immersion for Digital Nomads—10 Best Ways to Make the Most of Your Travels

Hello there, my fellow globetrotters, adventurers, and wanderlust enthusiasts! As a digital nomad, you have the freedom to work from anywhere in the world. But with that freedom comes the challenge of cultural immersion. It can be difficult to fully immerse yourself in a new culture while also tryin...

Digital Community Heritage and Open Access

What is our current understanding of community? A community is a fluid, broad and multi-faceted concept, bound by a i. sense of identity, ii. sense of belonging and iii. interconnections among community members (Forsyth, 2012). Τhe UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultura...

How I Secured My Digital Life in Hungary With a VPN

Like a virtual fortress shielding me from digital threats, my VPN became an essential companion during my time in Hungary. The ever-evolving landscape of internet restrictions and privacy concerns prompted me to take proactive measures to safeguard my online presence. In a country where survei...

Digital Poisoning

Almost all of us face it every day and it is difficult to fight against, but not impossible. Since I started writing continuously, I have less and less time for social media, which I don’t mind at all. I don’t miss the feeling when your face is pushed towards a thousand pieces of i...

Taking Control of Tech: A Digital Declutter for Mindfulness and Well-Being

Scrolling mindlessly for hours. Compulsively checking notifications. Feeling drained yet unable to step away. For many, social platforms have transformed relationships with technology into addictive habits at odds with well-being. But it doesn’t have to be this way — we all have the ...

The Framework for Digital Sanity

We have created something new, something really massive. Something that can be very helpful and bright, but at the same time, something that can bring mess, darkness, and pure evil, if out of control. We started it, but I’ve never seen anyone taking a responsibility for where this is a...

Bite the Digital Dust: How to Plan Your Online Afterlife

Digital Immortality (Sort Of) I’m not saying your Instagram feed is going to achieve sentience and start haunting people. Ah, maybe for some  But think about it: years after you’re gone, anyone could stumble upon your old tweets, vacation photos from 2008, maybe even that risq...

Harnessing Digital Tools to Bring Your Museum to Life

Museums are a great way to engage visitors and share stories of our past. With the power of digital tools, museums can bring that experience to life in new ways. From virtual reality tours to interactive displays, there are countless opportunities for museum directors and staff to use digital techno...

Digital Storytelling Festival 2024

Every year, the Europeana Initiative runs the Digital Storytelling Festival. The international event encourages cultural heritage professionals, educators, creatives, and students from Europe and beyond to boost their storytelling skills and tell stories exploring culture. We hope to inspire partici...

join the Digital Drip

“Crypto” and “Streetwear“ share a common ground in their ability to disrupt traditional norms and foster a culture of innovation and individuality. As both movements continue to gain momentum, they intersect in a symbiotic relationship, fueling a new wave of hype, that transc...

Digital Vogue: Translating 2024 Fashion Trends into Rooted’s Digital Marketing Palette

One noticeable trend for 2024 is the return to minimalism. In a world marked by economic uncertainty and evolving social dynamics, designers have opted for understated elegance. Graced with muted palettes, with black and white dominating the scene. The days of retina-searing brights seem to be on ho...

Title: Cybersecurity Concerns and Developments: Safeguarding the Digital Frontier

In an increasingly digitized world, where everything from personal information to critical infrastructure relies on interconnected networks, cybersecurity has emerged as a paramount concern. The rapid evolution of technology has brought about significant advancements, but it has also exposed vulnera...


We live in a modern world where everything is digitized, and our wardrobe should be no exception. Digital wardrobes are a visual platform that can help you elevate your style game in multiple ways. Not only do these handy visual tools help you manage every piece of clothing you own on one platform, ...

Digital Narratives: Exploring the Impact of Social Media on ESOL Learners’ Language Acquisition

This article investigates the impact of social media on language acquisition among English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) learners. With the integration of digital narratives into daily life, social media platforms offer unique opportunities for immersive language learning experiences. Throu...

Germany’s Digital Dilemma: Connectivity Without Community

In an age where social media platforms are often spotlighted for their negative impacts, recent events have brought the conversation into sharp focus. A cascade of misinformation that sowed public discord has led many to question whether these digital forums are more harmful than helpful. It’s...