Digital Therapeutics: Are We Building What Matters?

<p>As a venture capitalist, I don&rsquo;t scream all the time &mdash; I only scream when investing in digital therapeutics.</p> <p>Obviously, that&rsquo;s a joke. I believe in digital therapeutics. At one or several points in our lives, every one of us will face medical conditions where DTx may be the therapy of choice, an adjunct therapy, or at least an aid to the overall management of the condition.</p> <p>Several DTx frontrunners have done an invaluable service to the overall industry by providing solid scientific evidence on improved patient outcomes, better healthcare resource use, and favorable health economics. Regulators have approved digital therapeutics as medical devices but still lack specific frameworks for DTx. Payors have not been too keen on jumping to reimbursing DTx&rsquo;s. Many established reimbursement frameworks don&rsquo;t seem to take into consideration the health-economic benefits (at least to the same extent as with drugs), and reimbursement sums have been relatively low.</p> <p>We can say that it&rsquo;s been a rocky road for DTx manufacturers. Unfortunately, for now, things have not significantly improved. But there are positive signals which give wind for optimism.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>