We are Analog Refugees in a Digital World

<p><em>Mrs. S., who is 95, needs to reach her ophthalmologist and can&rsquo;t locate his telephone number, so she picks up her phone and calls Directory Assistance. However, Directory Assistance doesn&rsquo;t work as it used to. Instead of a person, Mrs. S. tries to explain her request to a computer with a voice. Mrs. S. is a bit technology-shy and has limited experience talking to computers. Directory Assistance leads Mrs. S. over the river, through the trees and around the mulberry bush, but doesn&rsquo;t connect her with her doctor.</em></p> <p><em>Mr. D., who is 72, sets off alarms whenever he uses the grocery store&rsquo;s automated checkout. The checkout is very specific about where to put grocery items and when to put them there. Mr. D. hasn&rsquo;t figured out the where and the when yet. Whenever he puts an item in the wrong place, the machine freezes and an electronic voice says, &ldquo;Please wait. Help is on the way.&rdquo;</em></p> <p><em>Mr. A., who considers himself an experienced computer user, retrieves a package from his porch and realizes it is an ink cartridge for his printer. &ldquo;That&rsquo;s odd,&rdquo; he thinks. &ldquo;I didn&rsquo;t order this.&rdquo; No, he didn&rsquo;t. His printer did.</em></p> <p>Folks, let&rsquo;s face it.&nbsp;We are analog refugees, stranded in a digital universe.&nbsp;We were born into a world where telephones had dials, receptionists were sentient beings, and news traveled fastest on AM radio. While we were going about our lives, phones got a lot smarter and we fell farther behind. We may love tech, we may even use tech, but we haven&rsquo;t mastered tech. For that, we need help from our children, our grandchildren, or anyone else under age 14 &mdash; the so-called &ldquo;digital natives&rdquo; who have grown up with iPhones in their strollers and an intuitive understanding of how to operate multiple TV remotes.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/crows-feet/we-are-analog-refugees-in-a-digital-world-5f72e3145b16">Website</a></p>