Digital Detox: Why Do We Need It In This Stressful Era of Social Media

<p>As a student myself who is living my quarter life crisis era, I can&rsquo;t escape from the dynamics of social media. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and anything else you call them. Consequently, almost everyday, my brain consumes the visualization of my friends and connections&rsquo; life a lot, no matter what their contents are. Start from wedding photos, new cars or motorcycles, pretty glowing faces after taking care of the clinic, academic achievements, student exchange life, fancy food date, and many other examples that are too many to be mentioned one by one. Those loads of digital contents could somehow make us feel stressful because it doesn&rsquo;t rule out the possibility of us comparing ourselves to their life that are shown on social media.</p> <p>The increasing level of stress as the consequence of excessive social media use then creates a new term called &ldquo;Digital Detox&rdquo;. I started to find out and explore more about the concept of digital detox because it claims that it could reduce the level of stress. Basically, digital detox is a deliberate break from the digital world for a while, and being done mindfully with the person&rsquo;s consciousness. Eliminating the use of digital devices and not opening the social media applications for a certain period of time become one of the ways to do the digital detox. By doing this, it is expected that our focus on something can be improved (because there will be no distraction of digital notifications), stress levels could be reduced, and we can develop an enhanced relationship with people.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>