The Trucking Industry is Ready for a Long-Overdue Digital Revolution

<p>Trucking startups&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">received over $9.2 billion in investmen</a>t over the past 5 years, with year over year increases in funding ranging from 80% to 165% since 2016. Despite this influx of funding, large swaths of the industry remain untouched by technology. So far, much of the invested capital has gone towards creating digitized versions of existing logistics models. We believe that&rsquo;s poised to change. And that there&rsquo;s an opportunity to fundamentally transform how the industry operates with new business models, new data sets, and new markets. These changes will flow across the Commerce Continuum &mdash; showing up as new models for shippers and creating new payment, financing and insurance opportunities.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>