The Dawn Of A Digital Civilization

<p>The Virtual City: Tech Titans&rsquo; Grand Vision for a Digital Metropolis</p> <p>The Metaverse and Omniverse projects seek to transform the Digital Environment into a virtual urban landscape. But will these grand visions succeed? Were tech titans like Mark Zuckerberg and Jen-Hsun Huang striving to create a more livable digital world?</p> <p>In this episode, we explore the challenges and opportunities of urbanizing the Digital Environment and investigate the power dynamics at play.</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="152" scrolling="no" src=";display_name=Spotify&amp;;;key=a19fcc184b9711e1b4764040d3dc5c07&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=spotify" title="12. Towards a Digital Civilization" width="456"></iframe></p> <p>Digital Pilgrims is a podcast that explores how digital technology. In short episodes, we journey into the &ldquo;digital semiosphere,&rdquo; where communication takes new forms and we explore what&rsquo;s needed in a world where the old rules no longer apply.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>