Blurring Identities: A Series of Digital Artworks

<p>Reality has always been a perception. A perception of things experienced through our senses that we comprehend as our now, our life, our reality. But what happens when these perceptions are challenged in varied environments or ecosystems with continuously changing dimensions?</p> <p>The two-dimensional (virtual) social platforms enforced us into living dual lives &mdash; raising questions about our identities, our realities. With the progression &mdash; or regression &mdash; towards the metaverse, AR and VR, AI, these questions are going to amplify along with its consequences and its challenges.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*25IHgfcY_p5ePY2XlzYXEA.png" style="height:700px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Harsimran Juneja, Who Are You?, 2022</p> <p>Last year, I worked on a few digital art pieces that explored this topic, specific to identity. The quest for figuring out our respective identities is quite common amongst us humans. Especially when it comes to figuring out how you fit in society, or how you don&rsquo;t. Understanding what you wish to do with your life and what you don&rsquo;t. Deliberating on what is the right direction for you in anything &mdash; career, relationships etc. The questions are never ending. The identities are forever evolving. The world around is constantly changing. Sometimes I wonder, how do you even navigate yourself in life these days?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>